Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

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President of the United States of America-Donald Trump

It’s official,Hillary Clinton has called and conceded the election to Trump.

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Time to count

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In just over 12 hours I will be voting for Trump,I will be voting for America.

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The Fix:

‘FBI: No Charges for Hillary Based on Additional Emails
Nothing to See Here: 650,000 ‘Reviewed’ in Days..’

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Open House

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A leftist/feminist hero:

Here are the greatest hits from Hillary’s catalogue:
• Whitewater
• Cattle futures
• Missing billing records from her tenure at the Rose Law Firm
• Renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to donors
• Travelgate
• Illegal possession of FBI files
• Conducting illegal secret meetings of the Task Force on National Health Care Reform
• Cackling over keeping a pedophile rapist out of jail
• Hounding the victims of her husband’s sexual assaults and philandering
• Stealing $200,000 worth of china, furniture, and artwork from the White House
• Claiming she landed under “sniper fire” in Bosnia
• Claiming she and Bill left the White House “dead broke”
• Shaking down Wall Street while assuring the Orcs of capitalism that she’s got their back
• Charging exorbitant speaking fees for a half hour of banalities and bromides
• Calling 30,000 missing emails “personal” communications
• Lying about the Benghazi attack to the faces of the four dead Americans’ families
• Supporting the lie that the attacks were caused by an obscure Internet video when she knew the same night that they weren’t
• Perjuring herself before Congress and the FBI about the emails and her private server
• The disastrous overthrow of Ghaddafi in Libya
• The disastrous “reset” with Russia
• The disastrous nuclear deal with Iran
• The disastrous withdrawal from Iraq
• The corrupt Clinton Foundation and its wholly owned subsidiary, the pay-to-play State Department
• Using feminist rhetoric while taking cash from some of the planet’s most brutally misogynistic regimes
• Serially flip-flopping on issues like same-sex marriage, the Trans Pacific Trade deal, and the Keystone pipeline
• Promising to “raise taxes on the middle class” and “put coal miners out of work”
• Her campaign staff’s dirty tricks against Trump and his supporters
• Her campaign staff’s incestuous relationship with the media
• Her staff’s illegal destruction of incriminating evidence during the email investigation
• Her strong support of gruesome late-term abortions
• And, last but not least, the continuing unanswered questions about her physical and cognitive health

Speaks volumes about the moral universe of the left, doesn’t it?

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No Place for Kings

John Conlin has some thoughts on the perception of “royalty”-

American Thinker-

“How am I supposed to sit on a jury and decide my fellow citizen’s fate when I know that our political royalty are held to a different and almost always lower standard?  How can I demand that my fellow citizens tell the truth under oath when no such demand is made of our royalty?  Why should I participate in any system whereby my fellow citizens are held to a higher standard than our political royalty?”


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Brexit: A predictable betrayal

Theresa May became PM of Britain to prevent Brexit, not promote or enact it. Her track record amply demonstrates that.
Now the betrayal is underway.
“I think we could be at the beginning, with this ruling, of a process where there is  deliberate, wilful attempt by our political class to betray 17.4 million voters.”
Nigel Farage
Raheem Kassam, Breitbart:
‘…Taken together, this (referendum) would in the minds of most sane people be regarded as direct democratic action which therefore supersedes Parliament. For what is Parliament if not the representatives of the people? And if the people have been consulted directly, then why should Parliament opine?
Why should Parliamentarians, be they Commoners or Lords, be handed, ex post facto, a greater say in a direct referendum than the average voter?
This is why today’s ruling by Lord Chief Justice Lord Thomas, Sir Terence Etherton, and Lord Justice Sales is simply judicial activism of the worst kind…’

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Open House

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