Obama only Bombs Libya when the Muslim Brotherhood lets him.


Why can Obama bomb Libya now but not to save the Americans who were under siege in Benghazi? The answer is simple and ugly.”

It’s really pretty simple,his allegiances are not to the American people,never have been. 

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Trump and NATO

Front Page Mag-

“Trump also implied that he would put the European NATO members’ feet to the fire about meeting the 2006 requirement that they spend 2% of GDP on their militaries, and suggested he would negotiate a new contribution schedule. Few NATO members have met that requirement, which is a violation of Article 3 that requires member states to “maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.” According to NATO’s own report, only five countries are estimated to meet the 2% requirement in 2016. France, Germany, Italy, and Spain­­––the first, third, fourth, and fifth largest economies in the EU––are not among them. The richest, Germany, is expected to remain at 1.19%. In contrast, the US will spend 3.9%. As Lord Robertson, NATO Secretary General from 1999-2004, put it, European nations are “military pygmies.”

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Uh oh,Fracking just got cheaper and more efficient


“Scott Sheffield, the outgoing chief of Pioneer Natural Resources, threw down the gauntlet last week – with some poetic licence – claiming that his pre-tax production costs in the Permian Basin of West Texas have fallen to $2.25 a barrel.

“Definitely we can compete with anything that Saudi Arabia has. We have the best rock,” he said. Revolutionary improvements in drilling technology and data analytics that have changed the cost calculus faster than almost anybody thought possible.”

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The media is hiding the truth about Khizr Muazzam Khan

He’s the muslim father that went after Trump at the DNC convention-

Shoebat has it here-

But Khan’s fascination with Islam isn’t the only issue lest they say he was a “moderate Muslim”. What is more worrisome is that at the bottom of the intro, Khan shows his appreciation and the source of his work and gives credit to an icon of the Muslim Brotherhood:

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What’s crippling New Zealand

and this is just the tip of the bureaucratic monster:
‘..An OECD report in 2014 on the economic cost of environmental policies confirmed this, ranking New Zealand 28th out of 34 member countries for having the worst administrative burden, alongside Israel, Canada and Iceland. They found that while many countries had more stringent environmental controls than New Zealand, the associated costs to their economies were relatively minor, compared to the excessive bureaucratic compliance associated with the RMA…’

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Skydiver Luke Aikins jumps without parachute -Balls


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SJW’s the next generation

Today being Sunday it’s my day to sleep in before getting up and doing something productive.Sitting down to lace my boots up I flipped the TV on to catch the news for the usual Trump news or to find out where the latest terror attack happened.Instead a kids cartoon program was on,didn’t catch the name of it,but just five minutes worth was all I needed to see.

It was the typical setup,fury little forest creatures poorly drawn,all with squeaky little voices.I had no idea that Aardvarks,Brown Bears and Giraffes all inhabited an Alpine Pine forest,but it is a cartoon.

The female characters were all brilliant and the males ones were all dumb.A couple of the female ones were of course “single moms” and the villains were all male,white accent,loggers and factory owners.Cutting a tree down was a “crime” and a “wrong that must be righted” proclaimed two of the wise,female single mom characters and off they went to “protest” and “stop” those evil people “ruining” “our Earth”.

This was all before there was some minor disagreement between characters that led to the typical “we are all equal and we have to be tolerant” horse shit The End.

Then the list of the sponsors : Annanberg CPB,Kock Brothers etc.etc.

So now another generation will grow up to be little leftists SJW monsters completely cutoff from reality and expecting all of us to conform to their “social norm”whatever that maybe.

My advice to anyone with kids these days is as it always has been.If you want your kids to have the best chance at a normal life,set the TV out on the curb with the trash and refuse to allow them to be brainwashed by the corporate left.

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Open House

It’s the weekend,finally,have at it

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“Associate Professor” Leonie Pihama

Pihama is in my opinion a liar and a racist. The unlovely exterior conceals an equally unlovely interior.
‘…”Colonisation is what we call a historical trauma event. Research tells us that traumatic events like that impose themselves on an entire people and have major implications for the following generations who are trying to adapt to the trauma that their parents, their grandparents, and their great grandparents experienced,” Pihama said….’  Link

I’d be very interested to hear her excuse for maori-on-maori depredations before the white man arrived. For the genocide of the Moriori people by maori. For the enslavement of defeated maori, the cannibalism, the brutality towards women and children.
Colonialism? Gimme a break. Colonialism was the best thing that ever happened to maori, giving them the opportunity to join the civilized world.
Racist, parasitic opportunists such as Pihama do more damage to maori right now than any other single factor, by encouraging them to assume the victim role when in fact they’re perfectly capable of making their way in the world without handouts and grovelling from whitey.
Maori brutality towards children will only – can only – end when maori take responsibility for their own behaviour, and stop listening to parasites in academia. Plenty of them are doing just that right now, and they’re doing fine.

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