Who is Putin’s real ally?


Oh, the vapors, the vapors!  Donald Trump has done it again. He has a gone a bridge too far for the 150th time, but on this occasion taken us all the way across the Bering Straits to the very edge of the Gulag Archipelago. He has urged Vladimir Putin to reveal the contents of Hillary Clinton’s gazillion missing emails the FBI somehow couldn’t find.

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Michelle Obama’s slaves

Daniel Greenfield-

“At the DNC, Michelle Obama put on her victimhood hat one more time and declared, “I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.” It’s not a new line, but an ongoing mantra. Back in 2009, Michelle whined that, “Many slaves who couldn’t enter the building worked to create the building.”

But that’s too past tense. Michelle’s house continues to be built and maintained by slaves. Her lavish lifestyle of endless vacations, parties and public appearances is funded by millions and millions of slaves.”

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Dear Hillary Clinton

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“Merkel is ruining our country”

Germans are finally starting to get angry,but will they oust the witch?

Daily Mail has it-

“More than 200,000 failed asylum seekers like Daleel remain in the country – and many Germans blame Merkel for inviting more than a million refugees into the country in the past year without adequate background checks. ”

Pack them up and send them home,shoot them if they come back,simple.

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Democratically elected dictators

The other shoe drops in Turkey as Erdogan continues his purge-


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The Pope is an Idiot example #452

“Said opening doors to people requires ‘great wisdom and compassion”

And a healthy dose of common stupidity.

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Apparently the man means business

The bodies are stacking up in the Philippines as President Duterte makes good on his promise to put drug dealers “behind bars,or under the ground”


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ONLY black lives matter apparently

This is rich,white,lefty,Soros backed professional whiners and complainers are told they need to step to the back of the line,or go home-

Whites Ordered to Back of Crowd at Black DNC March

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PJW: Terror in Germany-The Truth they Hide


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There is a new Woodpile Report up

And as usual it is quality stuff!


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