Should we send a Destroyer….

Or a whole Carrier battle group ? :twisted:

New Zealand Invite to U.S. Navy Marks End to Nuclear Stalemate

“Key still needs to formally sign off on the ship visit. The prime minister said he did not yet know what type of vessel the U.S. was planning to send, but said it would still need to comply with New Zealand law, which requires that he be satisfied that any ship entering the country’s waters has no nuclear capabilities.”

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Open house

It’s hump day and I am dead tired,have at it!

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Now he’s done it-Milo permanently banned from Twitter


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Could the commie cow’s days be numbered?

No,not Hillary,the other commie cow Merkel-

“It is quite probable that this was an Islamist attack,’ said a ministry spokesman, adding that the attacker had shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ (God is greatest). ”

File that under no-shit Sherlock 

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Who are these Democrats?

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‘Muslims Were The Real Victims Of The Nice Terror Attack, The BBC Explains’

(thanks for the space, Darin)

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It’s time to have a conversation about Trucks

Who,or rather what is to blame for the attack in Nice?


“After the Orlando Islamic terror attack, Obama insisted that the problem wasn’t Islam. It was guns.Just like the trouble in Boston was pressure cookers, not Muslim terrorists. And in Dallas, the issue was guns, not Black Lives Matter.”

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What we knew he always wanted from jump

Obama admits Obamacare has failed and the best way to fix it is more socialism,but that was the plan all along-

Obama: ObamaCare Didn’t Work, So Let’s Completely Socialize Medicine

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French PM Valls booed at memorial services for Nice attach victims

Gatewaypundit has it-

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been booed at memorial service to remember the victims of the Nice terror attack.

Mr Valls was booed as he went to sign the book of condolence at the memorial service on the Promenade des Anglais.


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Breaking news-Three more officers shot in Baton Rouge

Still developing-Three more police officers shot dead in Baton Rouge,La-

Just a day after the New Black Panties party forms a BR chapter-

Update: Three confirmed dead,seven more shot,three in critical condition.

One suspect dead,two more at large.

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