Open House

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Dying WWII Spitfire engineer gets one last wish

Read it here-

“Helen, 52, took him to Gloucestershire Airport where the vintage planes were being maintained by the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight crew.

“She posted a poignant photo of the RAF veteran on Facebook as Mr Farlow sat in his wheelchair gazing through the fence at the striking aircraft on the runway.

The heartwarming image was spotted by the airport director of operations – who was so moved he invited him for a VIP visit.

The grandfather, from Painswick, spent hours talking to the pilots and ground crew, who were captivated by his stories.

Speaking yesterday of his visit, he said: ‘I’m so relieved and so happy I have done this. It’s a wish come true.’

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Deport the social media idiots as well

Brit Daily Express:
‘Politician calls for Muslims to be deported if they ‘believe in Sharia Law’
…Newt Gingrich, a former Republican Speaker of the House, made the comments in the wake of the mass slaughter of at least 84 people in southern French city.
Speaking to Fox News, Mr Gingrich, who has endorsed Donald Trump, has called for any Muslim who believes in Sharia Law to be deported.
He said: “Western civilisation is in a war. We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported.
“Sharia is incompatible with Western civilisation.
“Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia, glad to have them as citizen… But we need to be fairly relentless about defining who our enemies are.”
Mr Gingrich’s comments triggered a huge backlash on social media…’

Yeah, commonsense will do that, every time.

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Terror attack Nice France-

Terrorist Attack in Nice France 73 confirmed killed so far 100+ wounded after terrorist plows through Bastille day crowd-

Truck attack

More here

So far no Christians or Jews have been blamed and there have been no calls to ban 5ton trucks,yet.

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Bill Whittle: Is Hillary Guilty?

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Why Britain is surviving the Brexit backlash and Europe is not

Via Market Watch

“What a difference a few weeks makes. On June 24, just after Britain’s “Brexit” shock, the United Kingdom was apparently facing political chaos, financial crisis, and economic disaster. The prime minister was standing down, the stock market and currency were in freefall, and all the wise men and women of the international financial system were predicting doom and recession.

Here we are today, and the country has already picked its new leader — two months ahead of schedule — and British stocks and government bonds are both stronger.”

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Bwhahahaa….”forensics expert” totally stuffs it on national TV

An epic case of pulling one out your arse if I ever saw one. :roll:

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Ban AC for DC

It’s time our elected officials and government regulators live by their own rules-

From USA Today

“Everyone talks about global warming, but nobody does anything about it.  At least, the people who talk about saving the planet the most seem to have the biggest carbon footprint.  But I have some ideas for fixing that.”

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Sanders endorses Clinton: Millennials are butt hurt

People Are Furious That Bernie Sanders Just Endorsed Hillary Clinton



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