Breaking: Dallas Texas-Four police officers dead,seven more wounded

Shooting erupts at Black Lives Matter protest

Four Officers dead,seven more wounded,some shot in the back.

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Trey Gowdy grills James Comey

It’s a beautiful thing –

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Open house

Off to work for me,it’s freaking hot out today too.In the South we have four seasons-



Still Summer

Still !#@&$ Summer !

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I’m sure nothing will come of it,but….

Lynch and Comey go before congress tomorrow to answer a few questions-


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Bill Whittle on Brexit


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Justice?Not if you’re above the law

The crooked witch walks again,not that it’s surprising-

The whole pathetic thing-

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Cold,then hot,now cold again

Will somebody take the thermostat away from these pricks?

Are Scientists Preparing for a FlipFlop Back to Global Cooling Predictions?

These currents, which today drive the Gulf Stream, bring warm surface waters north and send cold, deeper waters south. But they weakened suddenly and drastically, nearly to the point of stopping, just before several periods of abrupt climate change, researchers report today in Science. In a matter of decades, temperatures plummeted in the north, as the currents brought less warmth in that direction. Meanwhile, the backlog of warm, southern waters allowed the Southern Hemisphere to heat up.

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July 4,1776


Today is Independence Day in America,two hundred and forty years ago today ordinary citizens decided with firm resolve to make a stand against a government that was out of touch with the average man.

This stand wasn’t made lightly,it was made by men who knew the gravity of their decision.They knew full well that what lay ahead was hardship,bloodshed and if they failed to secure their vision of freedom,for them personally,the gallows.

These men were not just the well heeled and well educated of the upper classes.They were not just soldiers and seamen,they were also ordinary tradesmen and laborers.The one thing they had in common was a belief and a dream that rights originate not from a king,but from God almighty and that no man ought be able to take them away.

Through hardship,bloodshed and massive loss they did see through to the end and achieve what they had desired,but the battle didn’t end there.The battle for the cause of freedom continues on to this day and now,more than ever, it is up to all of us to carry on the fight.

With the up coming elections here as well as elsewhere in the west,we are facing a decision no less heavy than the one made all those years ago.Do we put everything on the line and push through,or do we accept the chains that bind us?

Our enemies need to know that we will not yield,we will not back down,we will not be silent-we will fight!

Look at the man in the picture and ask yourself,what would he do?

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“Malcolm Turnbull – you are finished”


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Open House

Busy week so far,here’s hoping it gets better for the weekend

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