Even if true, so what?

‘US soldiers defile Taliban corpses in shock video’
These guys are dealing with an enemy that murders kids, throws acid in the faces of little girls coming home from school, sodomises young boys….I’m effing tired of the “but we are better than that” mantra. Being “better than that” and “nation-building” just lost two wars. These bastards need killing and defiling–preferably with belt-fed weapons and Sunshine Bombs ™ and then being wrapped in pigskins and hung up in public for the vultures to clean up.
Either fight to win or don’t fight at all.. and admit that the islamisation of the West is inevitable.

Update: I see the leftist rag NZ Herald is running this as today’s headline. “Shock, outrage” etc etc.
Funny, I don’t recall them running a similar headline about islamist atrocities in Afghanistan. Dead or mutilated schoolgirls and women at the hands of the Taliban are apparently trivial…

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15 Responses to Even if true, so what?

  1. Kris K says:

    … I trust they waited for the fire to go out FIRST!!!

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: Oh yes! Them were the days. It seems nowadays we’re supposed to regard the Taliban as less evil than the Nazis, for some mysterious reason.

    • Flashman says:

      Sir Winston Churchill also took a long relished opportunity to piss into the Rhine during a visit to the front in 1944.

      How times have changed – for the worse.

  2. saw this at JAWA-too –
    I say-piss on the terrorists-again!
    my bad!

  3. Darin says:

    Well they’re dead afterall what do they care? :roll:

  4. oswald bastable says:

    Not a mention of the other sides charming habit of spreading out your intestines over a thorn bush…

  5. mort says:

    those soldiers were doing a public service, and putting out the petroleum flames from the Al Qaeda use for IED which had caught fire

  6. Katie says:

    So? I call it free exercise of speech. Protected by the 1st Amendment.

  7. Flashman says:

    It was quite common for Portuguese Army combat units in Mocambique [late 1960’s] to mount an enemy skull or two on the radiators of their vehicles.

    Rather romantic and dashing I thought – the ultimate F-You to the oppos. Very similar to the US troops who used to plant the ace of spades on their bodies of dead Charlies.

  8. Mike says:

    “Dead or mutilated schoolgirls and women at the hands of the Taliban are apparently trivial…”

    So are beheaded hostages of the Taliban apparantly.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    Firstly, I don’t believe it happened (and don’t care much if it did); secondly, if it did, it don’t matter – a tiny handful of abberant soldiers* do NOT represent, embody or symbolise the great nation of America. All they are (if it happened) is human.

    I’m so sick and tired of these armchair critics who’ve never had to face the real thing.

    *ditto Abu Ghraib.

    • oswald bastable says:

      Having seen members of you unit with their guts blown out by a land mine (now called IED’s as only the evil west use evil land mines)- you tend to be less than politically correct.

      Everyone here seems to get that- along with the fact that it ain’t going to make them hate us anymore than they already do…

  10. The Gantt Guy says:

    If this actually happened (and at this stage there’s nothing to suggest this was anything other than some marines on leave in the Arizona desert taking out their frustrations on a couple of dressed-up shop mannequins) then these guys are exactly the type I want in that field. I want them to hate the Taliban animals so much they will gut-shoot the fuckers, then while they’re dying stuff their shoes in their mouths, wrap them in a bacon bikini, piss on them, and only then shoot them in the head!