Stealing New Zealand

‘..A rush of iwi claims for customary title of the foreshore and seabed under the government’s new Marine and Coastal Area Bill are expected over the coming months. The problem is that because the law allows the deals to be done in secret, the public may not know what is being claimed until it is too late!
Last year under the official information act, it was revealed that Te Rarawa will seek title for Shipwreck Bay in the Far North. Shipwreck Bay is one of New Zealand’s best surfing spots. On the East Coast Ngati Pahauwera has claimed the beaches north of Napier and south of Wairoa. And also on the East Coast, Ngati Porou Ki Hauraki wants customary title over Kennedy Bay and Mataroa Bay on the Coromandel. And Te Whanau a Apanui wants title over an area in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Iwi that meet the test could charge commercial operators, veto developments and impose wahi tapu to ban public access. ..’       NZCPR        

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6 Responses to Stealing New Zealand

  1. Jay says:

    Just waiting for the stories to flood in once the Maoris get everything they want (and they will).

    “Iwi that meet the test could charge commercial operators, veto developments and impose wahi tapu to ban public access”

    How is that really any different from full ownership? The whole “Public Domain” propaganda was bullshit. It sounds like complete full ownership, other than having to conform to the rules and regulations everyone else has to. Kicking people off a beach they decide is “wahi tapu”? What utter shit, if people weren’t getting kicked off before there’s no reason they should be now.

    • KG says:

      Exactly, Jay. If we accept that this process should exist in the first place (and I emphatically do not) then why isn’t it open and transparent?

  2. Kris K says:

    Civil war coming …