Why isn’t it legal to tar and feather academic wankers?

‘DRIVERS who fly Australian flags on their cars to celebrate Australia Day are “more racist” than people who do not, according to research from UWA.
University of Western Australia sociologist and anthropologist Professor Farida Fozdar and a team of assistants surveyed 513 people at the Australia Day fireworks on Perth’s Swan River foreshore last year to find out whether there was a link between car flag flying and racist attitudes, Perth Now reports. 

Professor Fozdar said the team found that of the 102 people surveyed on the day who had attached flags to their cars for the national holiday, 43 per cent agreed with the statement that the now-abandoned “White Australia Policy” had “saved Australia from many problems experienced by other countries”.
She said that only 25 per cent of people who did not fly Australia car flags agreed with the statement…’     Source
What a load of steaming horsecrap! Perhaps the number of people who agreed with the statement was lower among those who didn’t fly the flag because, oh, I dunno…maybe they were effing imports who don’t give a shit about their adopted country and it’s values? Did she research that?
Of course not. It would have got in the way of a preconceived notion this dishonest cow was determined to “prove”.
And yes, the White Australia Policy DID save Australia from many problems experienced by other countries. The current problems with ethnic gangs prove that. I believe this kind of “research” is part of a concerted effort to make nationalism–that is, pride in one’s country and a regard for the traditions and customs of that country–something to be denigrated. Nationalism gets in the way of the Great Project, after all…..
Read this, and the agenda becomes crystal clear.

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21 Responses to Why isn’t it legal to tar and feather academic wankers?

  1. kowtow says:

    This ties in very neatly to the other post on the illegal immigrants on the boats .

    Politicians , academics and the left in general want it to be a crime to love your country and it’s traditional values.

    Human rights and multiculturalism spells the death of the west as we know it.

    Ever notice how “nationalism” is often equated with nazism or fascism as well as racism.The Europeans are particular masters of that deceit,especially the guilt ridden Germans.
    It’s simply another ploy to silence free speech so they can impose their undemocratic version of society on us.
    Genuine western nationalism is the only guarantor of freedom that we have.

    • KG says:

      Genuine western nationalism is the only guarantor of freedom that we have.
      Want to see what or who the left fear? Look at who or what they’re ridiculing and demonising. The problem is, they’ve developed a very wide range of tools to use–not least the bullshit qualifications of an army of academics. The public see the “Professor” or “Doctor” and immediately assume a certain level of expertise and integrity.
      I see those things nowadays and assume ‘charlatan’…

  2. James Stephenson says:

    Notice that the question asked wasn’t “Should the country return to a White Australia Policy?” – as you say, setting out to get the answer she wanted to get.

    Why am I not surprised to find that she did her PhD at VUW?

    • KG says:

      It’s become the badge of the snake-oil salesman, hasn’t it?
      Propagandists awarding fifth rate degrees to ideologues.

  3. medusa says:

    Bloody hell, her name says it all, she’s a bloody muslim :twisted:

  4. KG says:

    Take a look–can you say “infiltration”? For sure, academia is the islamist Trojan Horse.
    Research Project | The Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre Inc
    The Research Manager is Associate Professor Farida Fozdar from Murdoch University and the Research Coordinator is Dr Lisa Hartley from MMRC.
    Prof Samina Yasmeen

  5. KG says:

    So a fucking muslim is accusing Aussies of racism! Why doesn’t the bitch piss of to Afghanistan or some other islamist hellhole and try lecturing them?
    We all know why–because the slimy bastard is able to make a very comfortable living in the society she so despises, paid for by us .
    Jeez…..it’s time for some summary justice. Roll on chaos and civil war. My targets are already chosen.

  6. medusa says:

    Ummmm, where’s her burkha etc etc? she would be stoned (and not on weed ;-) ) back where she belongs :twisted:

  7. D.T. says:

    Any so called scientist will tell you that 102 people is not a large enough sample size.So this survey is ( as Julier would say ) CRAP.

    • KG says:

      Yep. But the object of the “survey” is to de-legitimize the flying of the national flag.
      Just as they’ve done to countries in the EU. It’s a way of killing nationalist sentiment. And News.com published it uncritically, of course.

  8. Kris K says:

    And yet the Muslim aim to rid the world of every last Jew, followed by all Christians, and the remaining infidels forced to either convert to Islam or be killed/enslaved … IS ACCEPTABLE???

    A Muslim lecturing ‘white’ Australia on “racism” – now that’s true hypocrisy.

    If you want to find the REAL haters you need go no further than the death-cult of the paedophilic false prophet Mohammed.

    • KG says:

      Yeah, and I see the NZ papers have picked up the non-story, under the headline “flying the flag for racism”.
      Dishonest, ignorant bastards.
      Funny, isn’t it how Australia since WW2 has successfully taken in millions of immigrants, with minimal friction? It’s one of the great immigration success stories.
      That is, until the fucking goat-humpers and their apologists came along…..

      • Kris K says:

        Yep, the only thing in the liberal dictionary worse than being ‘racist’ is being ‘Islamophobic’.

        And the media response reveals, yet again, just how much in bed are the Marxist left and the Islamic death-cultists.

      • WAKE UP says:

        Australia and America’s immigration stories have been highly successful – until the Muslims showed up.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    Dear Farida, the link is between flag-flying and PATRIOTISM, you dumb broad.

  10. WAKE UP says:

    Why don’t Muslims migrate to MUSLIM countries? (answers on a postcard, please :grin: )

  11. pompuss says:

    Only 513 people surveyed in the sample! And I’ll bet there was no attempt to control for confounds. I thought the so-called research was rubbish when I heard Prof F F on the radio this morning but she didn’t say that it was about flag flying on Oz Day. Now I know more I’d describe it as mega shoddy research.