‘How I woke up to the untruths of Barack Obama’

‘The President’s State of the Union address was as weaselly as any politician’s could be.
…I recalled a piece I wrote in this column on January 29, 2009, just after Obama took office. It was headlined: “This is the sub-prime house that Barack Obama built”. As a rising young Chicago politician in 1995, no one campaigned more actively than Mr Obama for an amendment to the US Community Reinvestment Act, legally requiring banks to lend huge sums to millions of poor, mainly black Americans, guaranteed by the two giant mortgage associations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
It was this Act, above all, which let the US housing bubble blow up, far beyond the point where it was obvious that hundreds of thousands of homeowners would be likely to default. Yet, in 2005, no one more actively opposed moves to halt these reckless guarantees than Senator Obama, who received more donations from Fannie Mae than any other US politician (although Senator Hillary Clinton ran him close)
…It was already obvious that, having won election as an ideal Hollywood version of what “the first black President” should look and sound like, he was in reality no more than a vacuum…’

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3 Responses to ‘How I woke up to the untruths of Barack Obama’

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    As I’ve said before, if it was about the ability to speak, Gingrich would have already wrapped up the nomination and be on his way to slaying the Kenyan Moslem terrorist…


    And now he has Herman Cain’s endorsement as well…


    And if he doesn’t ask Col. west to be his running mate, he has rocks in his head…


    • KG says:

      Allen West is the only one of the bunch I admire, and it’s a very great shame he’s not running.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Incidentally, I think it was Scott Ott from PJTv who said of the SOTU that if there was a piece you didn’t like, then wait 10 minutes.

    The One spoke of no more bail outs, hand outs or cop outs. Then later spoke of an ‘all of the above’ energy policy which included ‘support’ for renewables companies (more Solyndra?)? There were many other examples, that being just the most egregious.