‘Taliban Tries Softer Look, But Can It Be Trusted?
Recently, group portrays itself as a moderate force with respect for human rights, but fears linger that it’s an act..
No, really?
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if the followers of islam continue following the koran-the ‘look’ can only be one of evil–
Lets be clear – there never was, isn’t now, and never will be a form of ‘moderate’ Islam. The root of Islam is rotten to the core; it is an evil and satanically inspired ideology. Given the chance it would wipe out ALL opposition; it would ‘cleanse’ the earth of all Jews and Christians, and those infidels who refused to convert would either be murdered or held in perpetual slavery. Lets not forget that Islam means “submission”.
To say that the Taliban will become a ‘moderate’ force is the same as saying Islam will become more ‘moderate’. It will never happen. For if it were to do so it would contradict the life of its murdering, lying, adulterous, paedophilic, terrorising founder; the so called prophet Mohammed.
Kris,you are not only right,but correct.The very idea of even talking to these savages is absurd,but alas we have an insane,homosexual drug addict for president and a lesbian communist for secretary of state so what should we expect?
And lets not forget that they [Obama & Clinton] both hate Israel and the Jews … the enemy of my enemy is my friend [although in reality the paedophilic death-cultists are nobody’s friend].
That pretty much goes without saying Kris.Anti-Semitism is the price of admission to the left.
I always find it funny in Auckland whenever there are workers and unions protesting over pay. These Anti-Israeli signs appear and justice for Palastine flags is laughable.
It shows the left in its true colors.