
I was watching cattle being loaded into a truck, bound for the slaughterhouse a while ago. A few of them bellowed and tried to break free but they were carried forward up the ramp by their compliant fellows, enormous powerful beasts all herded by one man with a cattle prod.

And it reminded me of us.

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13 Responses to Cattle

  1. Scumsucker says:

    And John Key is currently the fellow with the cattle prod. Thank G*d I didn’t vote Ngational last year!

    But who do I vote for next time? The Libertarians? I can’t bear to vote ACT anymore.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Why bother voting at all? I am now firmly aligned with KG’s opinion that voting is a completely pointless exercise because (a) no matter for whom you tick the box, you end up with the same lot shafting you, and (b) no matter for whom you vote, our national sovereignty has been so ceded to the UN very few decisions are now made at the local level.

      If, however, you were to continue participating in the process (and Im not saying I won’t vote, just that it’s futile and sometimes there’s value to be had in the tilting, even if not to the windmill) look seriously at the Cnservative Party. Come 2014 their policy platform will be better laid-out, and they will have longer to get their message out.

  2. Pascal says:

    I am not the author of this, but you can find variations on the quip if you google it.

    “No matter who you vote for, the government wins.”

    That’s true even if our contemporary rulers weren’t such brazenly despotic bores.

    Oh what I would give for the old days — when I was merely suspicious of those seeking power.

  3. octagongrappler says:

    I hve always voted National/Act But will not be voting under the current political climate.

    I actually think NZ is finished, Auckland will have a migrant majority soon and the ponzi scheme will not stop.

    Sheeple r us….

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    I think Bill Whittle is one of the finest Conservative commentators around right now, and am a regular watcher of PJTV’s Trifecta with Whittle, Steve Green and Scott Ott.

    I think they’ve really touched on something with their segment today.

    Calling the Obama plan for what it is (the physical manifestation of Cloward-Piven). We have no excuse. For this. We know the plan and the desired outcome.

    So, perhaps the very best outcome for the Repiblicans is a brokered convention with a Ryan/Rubio or Ryan/West ticket?

  5. KG says:

    A Ryan/West ticket! :grin: Wouldn’t that shake the game up….

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Well, they are 2 of the very few adults in Washington,aren’t they?

      • KG says:

        My God, that’s a powerful video clip, Gantt! I’ve admired Whittle for years, since he started “Eject Eject Eject!” and he’s grown even better in this medium.
        The agenda is as plain as the nose on Streisand’s face, yet the uninformed, apathetic sheep still have no idea what’s happening.
        No bloody wonder…because the “education” system is merely an indoctrination program in the service of the government and the vast numbers of welfare recipients wouldn’t know a budget deficit if it bit them on their fat arses. And why would they? It’s all “government money” and as long as this gang in Washington keeps it coming they have no reason to.
        We’re rooted.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          The thing I like about Whittle is he’s so calm and rational, pulling apart Progressive arguments as though removing the wings from captive flies. But he’s also like the Conservative Incredible Hulk – Don’t make him angry? You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.

          Apologies for the mixed metaphors.