Just ain’t happening, warmies!

Could there possibly be an inbuilt bias in the computer models? Hmm?

Via Andrew Bolt

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22 Responses to Just ain’t happening, warmies!

  1. KG says:

    It’s very amusing, the way the IPCC “predictions” are now beginning to follow real-world observations as they scramble desperately for some credibility. :lol:

  2. Katie says:

    Their predictions do not include sunspot activity, volcanic activity or shifting poles.

  3. pompuss says:

    It’s clear the warmists left little old godzone out of their matrix. Summer here in NZ has been decidedly cool. Most weeks I’ve had to retreat to the hot water cupboard to find a warm place for a snooze.

    • KG says:

      You’ll just have to switch into your snow leopard mode, Pompuss. And it’s not as though you don’t have a very fine fur coat, is it? :smile:

    • jonno1 says:

      Hmm, spending the week at the beach in BoP; chose late Feb as the weather had to be settled by now, and kids back at school.

      Ha, rain, rain & more rain. Still, it’s warm rain… To add insult to injury, two school groups present at the campsite, dominating the pool. What the…? Reminds me of Andrei’s recent post about education today:

      Still, at least I have an internet connection.

      • KG says:

        Pop on over here, jonno. Every day has been around 30c for months, nights about 24c and not much rain either, dammit!

        • jonno1 says:

          Ha, yes you’re right, SWMBO keeps reminding me we haven’t been to Oz for almost a year. I generally like going to Oz in August/Sep when it’s still pretty cold over here, but not in January! Funnily enough, same timeframe for UK/Europe.

          O/t query: is there a smartphone version of your blog? I’m not permitted to take my laptop to the boudoir, but can sneak in the phone… Maybe I’m just too thick to find the right button to push.

  4. octagongrappler says:

    Patrick Moore who questions global warming said that warming is good for the planet as we can produce more food for a growing population.

    He said he would be very worried if it cooled.

    • KG says:

      Quite. Cooling just killed at least 400 people in Europe. Heatwaves kill too, but they’re occasional events. If the earth is cooling, then there will be more deaths, less food, massive migration. Compared to a few degrees of warming, that’ll be apocalyptic.

  5. Even if it were warming, i’m still to be convinced that it’s us causing the warming.

    And even if it were us bastard humans, just think, we can all move into caves and throw away the computers, reducing our carbon emissions to zero, all that has to happen is for one bloody volcano to fart all our sacrificing down the toilet.

    Unless the warmists are now pushing the theory that the climate fairy knows that it’s that theocrat bastard down under who is revving his engine needlessly at the traffic lights, not the volcano.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if they were already peddling this.

  6. Actually the warmists are blaming bastard clouds now, they are turning on Gaia’s minions.

    Clouds around the world may be falling in response to rising global temperatures and having a cooling effect on global warming, according to analysis of satellite data by Auckland University scientists.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      hmmm. So, the temperature goes up, the clouds come down, making the temperature come dwn, and the clouds go up. A self-correcting system? Who woulda thunk it! Jeez, that Gaia must be pissed – God just proved her an idiot. :mrgreen:

  7. KG says:

    If the clouds are “having a cooling effect on global warming” then it surely means that the computer models are hopelessly inaccurate, since they don’t factor that in? And will we see an apology to the Danish scientist who claimed years ago that cloud formation was the single biggest influence (after the sun, that is) on global temperatures, and was ridiculed and marginalized for his theory?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      No, because he was a DENIER funded by Big Oil/Coal/SomeCrap, so even if the results of his work were accurate (which we in The Consensus of Settled Science DENY) his work was tainted by the funding he received, which demanded a pre-determined outcome.

      Oh, hang on a minute…oops. :roll:

  8. KG says:

    :mrgreen: And I especially like “The Consensus of Settled Science”. :lol:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Don’t mock our Sacred Society, KG. We are the 99%, we are the Consensus. The Science is Settled and if you disagree, we’ll send Dr Flannery to bore you to death with his endless droning about rising sea levels, endless droughts and how the sun and the clouds are completely irrelevant to his plans for Global Governance!

    • Cadwallader says:

      “Science is more than a body of knowledge, it is the skeptical interrogation of the universe.” This from Carl Sagan. The definition negates any possibility of science ever being settled as it requires man’s enduring curiosity and willingness to continue to learn.

  9. Cadwallader says:

    If I am completely honest I rejected the notion of global warming on instinct and skepticism when it first became a routine claim in the msm. I just found the arguments to be too slick to be true. I seem to have been right, though not, admittedly, for the right reasons.