‘It must have looked like a major catastrophe unfolding as 25 firefighters descended on the scene.
But this was no terrorist atrocity or terrible car crash – the five teams of emergency crews had been scrambled to rescue a stranded seagull from a three foot deep pond.
And matters became even more farcical when the emergency crews were rendered utterly powerless to act because health and safety rules prevented them from ‘risking their lives’ by venturing into the waist-deep waters…’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Just another reason why we left the UK, I cringe daily as I read the Mail on line :rant
I fear Oz and NZ are headed the same way, Medusa.
You are absolutely right KG, it’s inevitable and only a matter of time
A seagull?
Why did they even bother turning out?What a waste of taxpayers money.
Notice they’re no longer firemen but firefighters.Nice and neutral.Equality and all that.
Yes sir,can not have any mention of gender roles mind you,the fire might be offended :roll
That’s the modern pom for you. Cringing, whinging gutless dependent jobsworths – all wrapped around a totally unwarranted querulous self-righteousness.
It’s hard to believe today but at the start of my lifetime they inherited a global territorial empire created by a very different people: who possessed courage, vision and sublime self-confidence.