Was today’s NZ Herald editorial written by a schoolgirl on Prozac?

Govt should open arms to boat people
..New Zealand, in short, can afford to be a good deal more relaxed than Australia about uncontrolled immigration.
…, it should not trouble itself too much about those who jump the queue by any means they can…’
This isn’t a major national daily mis-reading the mood of the people. They know very well what the mood of the people is, this is just blatant propaganda.

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28 Responses to Was today’s NZ Herald editorial written by a schoolgirl on Prozac?

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    “No boatload of desperate people has ever washed up on our shores and it would be a remarkable feat of seamanship if one did”

    So may targets… (1) more on the ‘Maori are wonderful seamen and navigators’ meme (2) the reason none have recently is because there’s a great big rock between Indonesia and New Zealand that gets in their way (it’s called Australia) (3) why would they go to broken-arsed New Zealand when they can crash into Australia and get themselves $10,000-worth of cool shit?

    A school girl on Prozac indeed. One who has never looked at a globe. One who has never looked at refugee policy. One who has no idea of geopolitics and the Moslem invasion of the west. One who has voted Green in all 1 of the elections in which she has participated. And one who should not ever, ever be allowed out of the house without her mummy because she would likely not survive crossing the street.

    In short, a silly little product of public indoctrination centres with no ability to think or reason for herself. And who will be standing as the Greens apart candidate come the next election.

    • Anonymous says:

      Heh GG! The bloody big rock didn’t stop NZ from taking in the invaders from the Tampa! :rant

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s mawm of course :gunner

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        True enough, Anonmawm! I wonder when TVNZ has their “Where Are They Now” program scheduled for?

        :rant :gunner :gunner :rant

    • Katie says:

      Tell us how you really feel Gantt Guy!

    • Cadwallader says:

      Is the writer to be pitied or rebuked for writing this naive, vile and ghastly shit? How any portion of what passes for the media can release this nonsense utterly evades me. The writer may be one of those lip-glossed bimbos from the leafy suburbs whom I loathe for their pompous stupidity. :wtf

  2. Tom says:

    The article was written by some unnamed fuckwit at granny herald.If I comment in the Herald I have to supply name so why not their team do the same?

  3. kowtow says:

    It’s encouraging that most comments are condemning the idiot views of the paper.

    Why don’t they follow up on the appalling child abuse case by the recent arrival Muslims in England?
    Today tv3 news has the trayvon martin parents in England meeting the stephen Lawrence parents. Common denominator,black victims. The MSM really push the black victim thing hard but back off quick sharp when whitey is the victim,esp if it involves their pet loves of “multiculturalism”,or immigration.(white man bad,black man good)

    • KG says:

      “It’s encouraging that most comments are condemning the idiot views of the paper.”
      Which is why I wrote “they know very well what the mood of the people is”. But they simply don’t accept that, because the sniffy superior bastards truly believe they know better, and all the peasants need is educating.
      Pass the hemp rope….

      • Sir Scumsucker says:

        ‘Pass the hemp rope….’

        My idea is gaining traction!

        • kowtow says:

          No wonder the EU insists on abolishing the death penalty as one(of many) conditions of membership. :evil:

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            I suspect that when Europe is in flames the populace won’t be paying too much attention to the Eurocrats swinging from the lampposts with the “No Death Penalty” tick-box on their check list unticked!

    • WAKE UP says:

      Here’s a Telegraph commentator on the same topic:

      and the NZ Herald today* has it headlined:”Blind eye to paedophiles blamed on racism fears” — they were more scared of being called racists than of going after the gang.

      * but not up on its website yet

  4. kowtow says:

    Here’s another topic our brilliant MSM won’t give much time to.Muslim extremists in Germany. Note by the way in this article and the others in speigel about this subject,it is all the fault of the indigenous right wingers for “provoking” these savages.

    Free speech is dead as far as the once “liberal” European press are concerned.

    • KG says:

      Exactly–the media take the side of salafists against their own nationalists! Unbelievable. We’re into lunatic asylum territory here, folks….

  5. mara says:

    :wtf :wtf :wtf criminal mischief she said, reaching for blood pressure pills!

  6. Kane says:

    I stopped buying the Herald ages ago, let’s hope they lose lots of revenue.
    So out of touch with the popular, public view, as usual.

    • KG says:

      It amazes me they haven’t gone broke yet, Kane.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I bought them to do the cryptic crossword but recently my desire to do it has waned, so no Granny Herald!

  7. Plenty of idiots like this out here too. Sucking that stupid pill until their taxes go up and some of these criminals move into their neighborhood and get in their face.

  8. Flashman says:

    It’s no surprise that sales of media like the herald are on a steep downward trajectory in the market.

    Paying the cover price for this tosh is a tax on stupidity.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    I read the Herald to see what I’m going to be up against when talking to the average MSM-fed dumbkopf.

  10. octagongrappler says:

    I must say the truth is better reading than the herald these days :mrgreen: