and witch-doctor bollocks:

‘AUSTRALIAN researchers have identified a mental health syndrome they say is unique to asylum seekers living in the community.
Protracted asylum seeker syndrome is affecting people outside detention who have repeatedly had their applications for refugee status rejected, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists’ Congress in Hobart has been told.
Sufferers can also experience brief psychotic episodes and confusion about their identity…’
First, psychiatry isn’t a science–you could lay all the world’s psychiatrists end-to-end and they wouldn’t reach a conclusion.
Second, of course some of these illegal immigrants experience “brief psychotic episodes and confusion about their identity”–a lot of them are psycho bastards before they reach Australia and they’re confused about their identity because they’ve deliberately destroyed evidence of it. And told a pack of lies to the gullible people who interview them. These things are a matter of record.

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14 Responses to and witch-doctor bollocks:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, it affects illegal immigrants (that’s “undocumented future democrat voters”, for our American friends) who are (a) living in the community, and (b) have had their applications for refugee status repeatedly turned down.

    Well, here’s news: I HAVE A CURE! First, lock ’em up – offshore – while their applications are processed. Second, once their claims are rejected, put ’em on the first plane (or leaky boat) outta here.

    Problem solved.

    • KG says:

      Yep. But instead they get to make endless legal appeals–at the txpayer’s expense. :evil:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Not for much longer. When PM Abbott is sworn in, his second act will be to pick up the phone and call the PM of Nauru (his first will be to repeal the carbon tax).

        • KG says:

          The lefties will have a fit. :mrgreen: Now I’m off to bed. Painkillers+beer do not an alert Wabbit make…

        • pmofnz says:

          And the 3rd action? “Hello Johnny Key, history is about to repeat. Boy have I got a deal for you. Incoming boatloads via Nauru!”

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            And his fourth will thus need to be to close the back door. So kiwis, if you’re planning on fleeing to oz, do it before the Gillard government collapses, which will be happening in 3…2…1…

  2. kowtow says:

    A person with a psychological disorder is someone who would like to live in a castle in the sky.
    A psychopath actually thinks he lives in one.
    And a psychologist is the guy who charges rent for that castle in the sky.

    Lying cheats is what they are.

  3. oswald bastable says:

    The condition is well-known- it’s called ‘Entitilitis’.

    The cure is known as ‘The Workhouse’.

  4. KG says:

    Or, in this case Oswald, “deportation”. :lol: