Excuse me while I throw up…

‘..Ivan Maric (Richmond Football Club), Jessica Rowe, Lehmo (The Project), Father Bob, Ozi Batla (The Herd), Janice Petersen, Samah Hadid, Najeeba Wazefadost and other public figures today invited Australians in 10 cities to ‘Walk Together’ as one community – asylum seekers, refugees, Aboriginal Australians, migrants old and new …’
More at Tim Blair’s  ‘The Herd’
I’m amazed this lot have time for the warm and fuzzy walkies, considering their busy schedule of demonstrating in solidarity with Palestinian terrorists, occupying Jewish chocolate shops and preaching jihad against their hosts, destroying their documentation and then demanding to import their relatives, accusing whitey of genocide…

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5 Responses to Excuse me while I throw up…

    • KG says:

      We already are albeit at a lower level. So far.

      • Darin says:

        The comments under that Hoodie gang article are appalling.

        British citizens are terrified of legal,licensed gun owners,but gangs of roving murdering thugs is somehow tolerable? :wtf Just another example of collective insanity I guess.

  1. Cadwallader says:

    “Walk together” as one community….into the sea?

  2. KG says:

    I wish…… :twisted: