Good God! This scumbag rabble has brought Australia down to the level of Venezuela!

‘JULIA Gillard has lashed out at her online accusers over the circumstances of her departure from law firm Slater & Gordon in the mid-1990s, as her caucus colleagues urged her to “take the gloves off” in a fight with the press.
The Prime Minister took aim at news coverage of her personal life and blasted internet blogs for their “gender-based” attacks on her leadership, amid increasing scrutiny of her link to a disgraced union official and her departure from Slater & Gordon in the mid-1990s.
…Ms Gillard responded by vowing to proceed with media reforms by the end of the year, keeping the threat of regulation hanging over the sector….
In caucus, Mr Murphy called on Ms Gillard to toughen the regulation of the media and take on News Limited over what he described as its campaign against the government. Observers said Mr Murphy’s remarks struck a chord with a group of caucus members calling on Ms Gillard to create a new authority to oversee print, online, radio and television news…’     via Andrew Bolt
The left…they never, ever change. Rotten,totalitarian assholes to their core.

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5 Responses to Good God! This scumbag rabble has brought Australia down to the level of Venezuela!

  1. Darin says:

    You guys have some catching up to do then,our fearless leader now tells reporters which questions to ask.

  2. KG says:

    Even his lapdogs aren’t going to like that much! :grin:

  3. Anonymous says:

    get a nick, and you’re most welcome to comment. Thank you. (kg)

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    They certainly *look* like nothing more than a criminal gang at the moment. Gillard = AWU hack from Slater & Gordon. Nicola Roxon = AWU hack from Maurice Blackburn. David Feemey = AWU hack. Bill Shorten = AWU hack and all-round union whore.

    Hey, maybe that’s why Swan has taken the lead in the smearing of KRudd, and the vanguard in the Class War, and led the vitriol against the entrepreneurial and productive. He isn’t an AWU hack and therefore isn’t *really* one of the family?

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    The Dictator’s Practical Internet Guide to Power Retention: