Mad Britain #456:

‘Pharmacist who asked colleague what her favourite sex position is LET OFF at tribunal because he had a ‘restrictive Muslim background’
A professional panel found Khalil Jamil (pictured) acted inappropriately by making comments at a pharmacy in Fauldhouse, West Lothian, but said was not sexually-motivated.
So, now the primitive repressed sexuality of muslim males is an excuse for their..err..primitive sexual attitudes! Perhaps the next one caught having sex with a goat will be excused for the same reason?  The two-tier “justice” system is already in place and sharia “law” can’t be far behind.

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13 Responses to Mad Britain #456:

  1. James Stephenson says:

    Perhaps Muslim women do need to wear bin bags over their heads around Muslim men for their own protection after all…

  2. Cadwallader says:

    Mmmmmmhhh!!! What is Britain’s favorite sex position? It seems to involve choking and being utterly shafted. :wtf

  3. Anonymous says:

    “restrictive muslim background”…a licence for every nut job….i am but a humble engineer and no lawyer…but is that not a legal precedent…”restrictive Roman Catholic background”..”restrictive Temple of Jim Jones”…?

  4. KG says:

    The point is, Anon, that the Brit courts look for excuses for every muslim barbarian, because the spineless pricks are afraid of bucking the multiculti orthodoxies.
    I’d like to see those judges swinging from lamp posts alongside their political masters.

  5. sbk says:

    An by licence…what if is his/her convictions…restrictive and all…percieves that your wife/daughter/granddaughter/son is licentious…and therfore culpable of all wrong doing…this hence absolving him of sin…and backed up by a court decision.

    sharia…selfish pov…i wont be around to see it.

    didnt mean to be anonymous b4.

  6. kowtow says:

    Can’t find the link but recall reading not that long ago,in Britain,possibly Scotland ,the local boys in blue were ordered not to take action about homos having sex in a lay by somewhere. While it was acknowledged that this activity was criminal,and there were complaints from the public……these folk had human rights or some such.

    Double standards again when dealing with “identity/gender” groups. Oh dear.

  7. Mark says:

    Muslims follow the religon of Satan, and this guy is a prime example.

    Why cant Muslims control themselves? All I can think of they are told they dont have to.