Ferrari F12 Berlinetta…..sigh……

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28 Responses to Ferrari F12 Berlinetta…..sigh……

  1. OK- I know your ‘guys’ are into cars –

    give me an HORSE the can jump 6 ft. fences-
    score 85 + % on Grand Prix Dressage tests-

    or-again- my 1976 Internationale Scout II – how I miss that – my baby – vehicle–
    my 2003 Lexus ES 300 – will be my last car- it does not talk to me – but “off the die” she is great- – and in LA- that’s what counts—

  2. O R- my own jet would be fine too– no more TSA- and – I can help pilot -THAT would be GREAT!!!!

    • Darin says:

      Oh yes,the faster the better.My I deal wife would be uber rich and say things like-“Oh you don’t have to work honey,just go to the hanger and play with your new Northrup F-5 I bought you” :mrgreen:

      About 1:00 in –

      • KG says:

        I saw recently that there’s a company that specialises in refurbishing old Navy jet fighters for private buyers, Darin.
        We need to win a lottery….. :popcorn

  3. KG says:

    I just love Ferraris, Carol. Never been bitten by one, never had one stand on my foot either…. ;-)
    And after driving a Testa Rossa, everything since has felt kinda bland. :grin:

  4. Horses bite- NAWWWWW-
    I do love fast cars – and – 4 on the floor w/ over-drive – well – you cannot beat that-
    : – )

  5. KG says:

    I fed a horse half a jam doughnut this morning, and must admit I was surprised the rat didn’t take my fingers off in the process….. and it was a beautiful strawberry roan, too. The owner was almost as nice. Jeans and riding boots and cowgirl hat… :lol:

  6. OK- watched the whole video-
    noticed that he had to brake on the curve (road drive) -from going right to immediate left-
    SO the car does not totally “think ” for the driver!!
    G O O D! : -)

    Told the dealer rep when I bought my Lexus- “I do not want a car that talks to me!”–
    so- does the Ferrari talk to its owner – telling its owner ‘where to go’? -and how to drive…?
    just asking…

    • KG says:

      No, I don’t believe it does, Carol. (I wouldn’t want a car that did that either.)
      Besides, given the choice between the new Berlinetta and a classic Ferrari, I’d take the older car every time.

  7. Andrei says:

    Forget the cars the way to impress a woman is with fancy footwork as this malenky malchik has already worked out

  8. Anonymous says:

    The guy over the road has just acquired a Ferrari FF. It sounds like a throttled duck. Now his Porsche has to park in the street. Oh dear, the hardship of poverty. mawm

    • KG says:

      i’d be willing to risk the hardships, Mawm. Money ain’t everything, but it allows for a better class of misery. ;-)

      • Anonymous says:

        I think he has more money than class or brains. Seriously, the car looks and sounds awful…….especially for one with 12 cylinders. I have read about its 4 wd and amazing electronic stability, etc…. but then rich plonkers need all the help availble to drive a pedigree. mawm

        • KG says:

          You’d think, with all that money, he’d buy an appreciating classic. Still, there’s no accounting for taste–or lack of it.

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    Have your greasy Mediterranean gigolo, if you must. As for me, I am in the hunt for some new wheels (and a new house). If anyone has a lazy 10 grand to donate to my transport fund…

    • KG says:

      AAAAAAAAARRRRRGHH! Not a Brit car, Gantt! They’re unreliable, leak oil and refuse to run in wet weather.
      I’ve had a number of MG’s, several Jaguars and a very beautiful Bristol. Not one of them was fit for anything more than the occasional run to the supermarket.
      Bastard things. :rant

      • Anonymous says:

        My MGB Roadster was a real treat. She did drop a bit of oil and the rain did get in but topless through the Karoo…… :cool:

        GG I sent you an email a few days ago.

        • Anonymous says:

          Mawm as usual

          • Darin says:

            It’s hard to believe that the nation who built the Spitfire could make such a pitiful car as the MG. :shock:

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              One could say exactly the same of the F14 and the Government Motors Volt, Darin.

              At least MGs don’t burst into flames at the drop of the clutch!

              Don’t hate on the little rag-top, until you’ve been up close and personal with one. One thing’s for sure about an MG, you’ll either love it or hate it. There’s no “meh” with british sportscars.

              • Darin says:

                Oh but I have been close to one,inside of one on many occasions infact.That’s why I have such a low opinion of them.Any car that can’t withstand Fog shouldn’t be on the road.
                I can’t really think of any British car that’s great in terms of reliability,it’s a small country in terms of area so I guess walking home is acceptable.

                As for GM,well they aren’t breaking new ground,British Lucas was letting the smoke out years ago.

                Infact the Volt has a lot in common with the MG.Both can only manage 35 miles at a time and both occasionally burst into flames :popcorn

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        The thing I like (mechanically) about the midget is the 1275 GT Mini engine in it. Simple, fun and only ~4 moving party. Very little in there to go wrong, and none of that computer nonsense they stuff int today’s cars. And if it does refuse to run you can just pick it up and put it in your pocket. The most fun car I’ve ever had was a 1968 Mini 850 – now *that* was some chick-magnet!! :whoop

        Besides, the car I’m looking for will be *my* car. Good for getting from home (when we find one) to the ferry and back again, so i really won’t be getting much of a workout. We’ll buy a proper, sensible vehicle to get Mrs Gantt and Miss Six around.

        Anonymawm, I’ve been email-challenged for a few days, but your message got through today. I’ll call you Monday to arrange a time, if that’s OK with you? :cool:

  10. KG says:

    Topless through the Karoo, a rickshaw would be a treat. :mrgreen:

  11. RobertvdL says:

    Ferrari 0 lamppost 1

    The Director of the Belgian National Lottery, Jacques Devergnies (63),was killed in an accident this weekend .A 15 year old boy, the son of a colleague, was killed too.

  12. RobertvdL says:

    Top China official Ling Jihua in surprise demotion

    There have been reports that his son’s involvement in a Ferrari car crash may have been to blame.
    The Communist Party would have wanted to avoid a scandal that exposed the privileged lifestyle of the ruling elite.