islam’s M.O: The false claim, then the veiled threat.

‘Christchurch Muslim leader urges calm over video
“Calm”? Kiwis have been calm to the point of comatose over it. So why the headline?
A Christchurch Muslim leader is calling for calm after he received a threat in the backlash over a controversial video mocking the prophet Mohammed.
Aaaah..the dreaded backlash against peaceful muslims, eh.  Funny, how these “threats” are almost never substantiated….
….The video, Innocence of Muslims, triggered a wave of protests and violence around the world for its portrayal of the prophet Mohammed as a womaniser and paedophile.
No, the video didn’t trigger anything–it’s simply another case of the religion of the Perpetually Aggrieved seizing any excuse available.
…The reaction hit closer to home when Muslim Association of Canterbury chairman Imam Monir Elfarra received a call at the Christchurch mosque from a person threatening to burn Islam’s holy book, the Koran.
….Elfarra feared the situation could inflame both “ignorant” Muslims and non-Muslims in this country.
The only “inflaming” so far has been caused by islamist thugs. And imams using the situation to extort further special considerations for their ideology.
…..The reaction from Christchurch Muslims to the video was anger and disappointment. He condemned the United States-made production and urged the New Zealand Government to do the same.
That’s right..urge the NZ Government to condemn the exercise of free speech. And the pack of spineless poodles will no doubt oblige.
“The Minister of Ethnic Affairs should say, ‘We condemn these things, they are wrong and should not be done’, but at the same time we, as with any other faith, should support peace before we support violence.”
…..If we do our job, there will not be [protests]. If the Muslim community and government officials stand together, it will never happen.”
See the agenda here?  And the veiled threat? The government’s job is to “stand together” with muslims, and enforce MUSLIM views on free speech. This, despite the fact that it’s muslims who are rioting, muslims who are killing and burning, muslims who react to any slight with violence and intolerance. No mention at all, by the way, of the countless islamist videos showing infidels being beheaded in the name of *spit* allah….. The truly depressing thing about this Fairfax shit is that Western politicians will fall over one another in their rush for the KY and a cushion for their knees.

UPDATE:  ‘MUM of young boy who held up beheading sign at protest march will not be charged, police say. ‘
But Christian pastors who merely quoted (accurately) from the koran were charged with and convicted of hate speech in Victoria. We already have two-tier “justice”.

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49 Responses to islam’s M.O: The false claim, then the veiled threat.

  1. KG says:

    These are not fully human beings. Period.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    Multi-culturalism- yet another success story from the Progressives.

  3. mistress mara says:

    If you have the stomach for it check out and see a group of Nigerian Muslim youths with a crucified cat, that’s right’ a crucified cat, done in protest at the anti-muslim film, and then tell me why those sub-humans and their ilk, deserve to continue breathing. That story with picture should be broadcast world-wide. :gunner

    • Darin says:

      Nigeria,another country that should be wiped off the face of the Earth :twisted:
      funny gifs

      • Cadwallader says:

        Agree but there are Nigerians all over the globe as their country is such a shit-heap it isn’t worth living in or wasting a nuke or two on. We need a mushroom-cloud smiley icon.

        • KG says:

          Interestingly, the Ibo of Nigeria are nothing like these assholes. So if Darin nukes the place, I’d thank him kindly to remove the Ibo first. :o

  4. Fairfacts Media says:

    I was thinking of that dear sweet child who was pictured holding the banner at the Sydney protests.
    Will he be taken into care because of his parents’ extremism?
    After all, that is what happens to EDL supporters in England?

  5. Katie says:

    At least you’re not returning terrorists to Egypt.

  6. KG says:

    ‘.. For example, the employment rate of humanitarian migrants from Afghanistan was recorded at only 9 per cent … five years after settlement and nearly 94 per cent of households from Afghanistan received Centrelink payments…

    Those from Iraq did little better, with 12 per cent employed and 93 per cent of households in receipt of Centrelink payments. Interestingly, those who did best in the humanitarian group were from Central and West African countries such as Sierra Leone.

    Note that these refugees are the least likely to have arrived by boat…

    Whereas the overall proportion of humanitarian migrant households in receipt of Centrelink payment was 85 per cent….’
    And working Australians are footing the bill, despite have no say at all about who comes in, and how many!

  7. KG says:

    ‘AS Prime Minister Julia Gillard expressed horror at images showing Muslim children carrying inflammatory placards at a protest in Sydney, an eight-year-old Australian girl spoke at a meeting of Islamic fundamendalists, urging other children to support jihad’

  8. Darin says:

    One of the commentators on FOX this morning made an excellent point.

    If all this supposed outrage,burning and killing that’s going on is really the fault of that stupid little movie…….then what are they going to do when Obama’s “I killed Bin Laden” movie comes out later this year? :popcorn

  9. KG says:

    This drivel is the Brisbane Courier Mail’s idea of an intelligent contribution to the debate:

    It’s so riddled with errors, ignorance and false assumptions, I wouldn’t know where to begin tearing it apart. :rant
    UPDATE: The Courier mail actually published my comment under this article. :shock:
    “KG Posted at 2:42 PM Today

    Your attempt to draw some kind of equivalence between islam and other religions is ill-informed or dishonest. Christianity had the Reformation – islam and it’s adherents specifically reject any kind of reformation and the later suras and hadiths (which are often extremely violent) have precedence over the earlier. Islam is an ideology, not a religion. When we see Jews, Buddhists and Presbyterians rioting in the streets, beheading people, burning and killing in the name of their gods (not to mention throwing acid in the faces of little girls simply for the “crime” of going to school) then I’ll believe there’s some kind of equivalence. I remember Beslan. You, apparently, have forgotten.

  10. Andrei says:

    You know Darren Nigeria is on the front lines of the battle between Christianity and Islam,

    Christians a slaughtered in their Churches there on an almost weekly basis

    • Darin says:

      Yup,Ethiopia too,I’ve said for years Christians in the west need to be bringing these Christians weapons not powdered milk and rice.

      • Ciaron says:

        Are you familiar with the writings of John Bunyan?

        • Darin says:

          Now there is a name I haven’t seen in years,yes,I did read- Pilgrim’s Progress and -Light for Them that Sit in Darkness.Although PP is the one I remember.

          He and Martin Luther along with Charles Spurgeon I consider to be giants in the Christian faith.

          • Ciaron says:

            Then you will understand why it is powdered milk and not weapons.

            • Darin says:

              When your brother in Christ is naked you clothe him,when he is hungry you feed him.

              When he is being attacked and killed what do you do?

                • Darin says:

                  Precisely,too much evil has been allowed to grow into the hellish mess it is today,because too many Christians have not wanted to get their hands dirty or even get involved.

                  My Parents and I left the Baptist Church because of several pastors in a row who believe it was “not Christian” to be involved in Political leadership.
                  We can certainly see where that attitude has gotten us over here and well along where we are headed if that attitude doesn’t change.

              • Ciaron says:

                Bunyan said:

                By this scripture I was made to see that if ever I would suffer rightly, I must first pass a sentence of death upon every thing that can be properly called a thing of this life, even to reckon myself, my wife, my children, my health, my enjoyment, and all, as dead to me, and myself as dead to them. The second was, to live upon God that is invisible, as Paul said in another place; the way not to faint, is to “look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”


                “I have, in a few words, handled this . . . to show you that our sufferings are ordered and disposed by him, that you might always, when you come into trouble for this name, not stagger nor be at loss, but be stayed, composed, and settled in your minds, and say, ‘The will of the Lord be done.’ Act 21:14.”

                He warns against feelings of revenge. “Learn to pity and bewail the condition of the enemy . . . Never grudge them their present advantages. ‘Fret not thy self because of evil men. Neither be thou envious at the workers of iniquity.’ Prov. 24:19. Fret not, though they spoil thy resting place. It is God that hath bidden them do it, to try thy faith and patience thereby. Wish them no ill with what they get of thine; it is their wages for their work, and it will appear to them ere long that they have earned it dearly. . . . Bless God that thy lot did fall on the other side. . . . How kindly, therefore, doth God deal with us, when he chooses to afflict us but for a little, that with everlasting kindness he may have mercy upon us. Is.54:7-8.”

    • Diamond Mair says:

      The savages in Nigeria are crucifying cats to “protest the insult” to the pedophile …………………………….. :censor

      Semper Fi’

  11. sbk says:

    “We already have two-tier “justice”.”…along with a two tier democracy…the suppression/suspension of the rights of the majority for the appeasement of a imported minority…simply put…thats not democracy……its a sell out.

    and we elected them…shit.

  12. Mark says:

    Saw the dickhead Mohammed on Breakfast this morning using code words like zero tolerance for those that insult Islam.

    Muslims are the biggest bunch of cry bables and losers on the planet. Islam is the religon of pedapohilies, homos, and losers.

    • Ciaron says:

      Heard one on the wireless this morning trying to compare the Hebdo cartoons to the long range sneaky photos of the Dutchess’ rack.

      Like thats the same thing…