some people just need to harden up….

‘KILLER jellyfish, “baby-eating dingoes”, crocodiles, rips and birds that could disembowel you: Welcome to Australia’s beaches.
That’s the warning tourists have received by popular US website the Huffington Post, who selected three Australian beaches in its list of the world’s most dangerous…’

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21 Responses to some people just need to harden up….

  1. oswald bastable says:

    They missed Drop Bears! :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    :whoop so they did! And desert scorpions and centipedes, living in the sandhills behind the beaches…..not to mention..aah, what the hell–a fool can get bitten/stung/eaten just about anywhere. Otara springs to mind…….

  3. mawm says:

    They haven’t heard about the Aussie bloke at the HuffPo yet? Brace yerself, Sheila. :mrgreen:

  4. what’s a drop bear?

    someone really reads Huff-Po!?!


  5. KG says:

    “someone really reads Huff-Po!?!”
    Only soft urban lefties who think being bitten by a shark or a crocodile is something to worry about….
    There ya go, Carol. :popcorn

    • Darin says:

      What’s the best way to cook one of these Bears? Deep fried or roasted?

      That Huffpo article reminds me of the folks from New York who went to stay on a house boat in the Bedico Swamp in SE Louisiana.They were horrified when they heard you need to flick the light on and look to see there aren’t any snakes in the toilet before sitting during the night :mrgreen:

  6. RobertvdL says:

    You wonder why the British brought their ‘criminals’ to this unfriendly island ? And their offspring you can also find on the same beaches.


  7. KG says:

    “Unfriendly”????? geddoffit, Robert! There are more unfriendly creatures in just about any urban environment you care to name.
    Oz is a safe, benign place. :mrgreen: :cheers
    Seriously–with the exercise of minimal common sense, it’s pretty hard to get into bother out bush. In a lifetime, about the worst that’s happened to me is a centipede in my sleeping bag out in the Gibson Desert.

  8. KG says:

    Well, maybe not the worst, come to think of it…there was this blue-ringed octopus in a rock pool in South Australia…
    But I won’t bore you with that. Or the black snake in the chook coop.Or the giant python that ate a litter of mastiff puppies in the NT.

  9. KG says:

    O/T…. Looks like there won’t be any shortage of diamonds for a while:
    ‘Russia is about to start tapping into a huge source of diamonds that could supply the world market for the next 3,000 years.
    Scientists estimate there are ‘trillions of carats’ lying beneath a 35million-year-old asteroid crater in Siberia – more than ten times the global stockpile…’

    • I want one -or 12 : – ) of the very large ones-can that be arranged!

    • oswald bastable says:

      Blinding flash of the obvious that there would be diamonds there!

      • KG says:

        Yep. The really interesting thing is the hardness.

        • HarvardPotatoHead says:

          !!!Did someone say “hardness?”!!!Press 1 for Arabic. Press 2 for Espanol. Press 3 for BlackBerry 2 send a predator up yo ASS!!!!AkbarOMAllAh!!!Sorry Englesh not found no more.
          espejo para la visera et reloj grande del digito cocke neuvo de newport*

          OOOMMMAllaaaah!!!Well yrs V. trly simply does not know what that foreign language means however yrs v trLy hears it on every level of BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound and even B4 that everywhere aroundyrs tRly. it is strange to grow up in New England, attend Harvard Low skool, have an infinitely high intelligence quotient & be havN 2 learn this wetback lingo.
          This evening @ 11 PM USAEastCoastDST:
          In the La’S’Otero Gallows de Artes an image of gold teeth being extracted captured by Dr. Joseph Mengele, DDS, Austrich School of Dentistry. The collection is ecstatic over this primo image.

          Also, a digital enlargement of Hillary’s front teeth as compared 2 Diplomatic Pouches.**
          *translation – English: Oh I be so hard!!!
          **In a contest after presentations are made, inmates will vote on the best looking mandibles. Winner takes all.
          ***TGG**** please report to the marshall at Tombstone. Rumor is that YOU are selling likker to injuns on the reservation and that IS A NO NO!
          ****The Gin GuzzzleR

        • john says:

          …as the actress said to the bishop :mrgreen: