This traitorous Administration:

‘Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta’s unusual offer to China’s military to join a major U.S.-led naval exercise in the Pacific prompted several U.S. security officials to express fears privately that China will gain valuable war-fighting intelligence from the Rimpac, or Rim of the Pacific, exercise.
China’s military will learn details on how the United States conducts coalition warfare, a strategic war-fighting capability. It also will learn valuable data on U.S. communications used in naval warfare maneuvers, said defense officials familiar with the war games.
Such cooperation also would violate legal restrictions on military exchanges with China that were imposed by Congress to prevent unrestricted cooperation with Beijing from enhancing Chinese war-fighting …
To circumvent the restriction, the Pentagon over the past few months had lawyers review the prohibition. They told Mr. Panetta he could authorize the Chinese military participation by asserting it would not undermine U.S. security.
However, Pentagon officials are concerned that Congress, especially House Republicans, will step in and oppose or block the Chinese warship involvement…’         source
Just add this to the long, long list. The Obama Gang is systematically undermining America and it’s now plain that it’s not mere stupidity. Top brass at the Pentagon are complicit and this is treason.

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4 Responses to This traitorous Administration:

  1. dondiego says:

    Unbelievable. Does Australia still view China as a potential enemy, I wonder? A big FFS here.

  2. The treachery of this rabble of disgraceful cowards knows no limits. They sell out to muslims, commies and anyone who hates true freedom and liberty.

    • KG says:

      RWT, I think they regard liberty as the enemy, therefore the haters of liberty are their natural allies. :rant

  3. Darin says:

    Typical,”oh let’s go ahead and train the very navy we will most likely bump heads with someday” :gunner

    I guess this is a veiled swipe against the Japanese who have been getting trouble from the Chinese this past few weeks.In addition to the left’s stock and trade treason. :evil:

    Course this is more likely a repeat of the Soviet’s Line-X spy program,except we have traitors in the WH at the moment.Some interesting reading on the subject of Cold war spying and counter espionage,also some more proof that Reagan wasn’t as dumb as the left like to say he was.
    The Farewell Dossier-