What if……

There’s been vast amounts of commentary and theorizing about the reason or reasons for Obama crashing and burning during the debate with Romney–everything from drug withdrawal to simple laziness. But Wabbit has another idea…what if it was deliberate?

A Romney loss in November wouldn’t result in war in the streets. An Obama loss very easily could. And war in the streets could well be what O’s handlers would welcome. The imposition of martial law and the chance to cast Obama as the “peacemaker”, the one person who could talk to “his people” and calm the situation. And after the situation was calmed, of course there would have to be a whole raft of new laws to control free speech, firearms ownership and so forth. So, was the rotten performance deliberate?

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14 Responses to What if……

  1. Darin says:

    Maybe,could be,hard to tell where the column of smoke will go next.

    I think it’s possible that he and his cronies are set for life now and don’t care if they win re-election.He does already have that multi-million dollar estate in Hawaii.He’ll probably be governor of Hawaii when the Chinese take it over.

  2. Yokel says:

    I have commented elsewhere that I think the next inauguration will be for Obama, whether he wins by fair means or Chicago. Whichever way, the Chosen One is only in charge as long as he is delivering the USA (bound and trussed) to the NWO/UN government. As soon as he is not doing the bidding of his paymasters, someone else will replace him. The will of the people is not relevant to this exercise, unless they do as they are told.

  3. Contempt says:

    I have to believe that everything the left and obama do is fundamentally transforming and deliberate.

  4. Ronbo says:

    My long standing prediction is that civil war will break out in America regardless of who gets elected in November.

    However, both Obama and his Democommie allies are well aware that in a civil war, he who controls the federal government very likely will win the war.

    So, HELL YES! Obama really, really, REALLY wants to be reelected.

    The problem for his reelection is that the mask has been finally been pulled off the hideous monster.

    • Katie says:

      When Romney wins there will be riots, but rioters are notorious about where they riot. They destroy their own neighborhoods and the middle class and rich neighborhoods are left unharmed. Thus the riots will harm no one but themselves.

      On the other hand, if Obama was to win within 6 months the US would be in a civil war. A real war pitting liberals against the rest of the nation. A war in which the military will be on the side of the Patriots and the Liberals will be at a disadvantage without trained soldiers, trained officers and weapons.

      A Romney win will destroy the slums (again) and keep the nation intact.

      • KG says:

        I do admire optimism…but (some of) the facts of the matter are that conservatives have more to lose than leftists, and so will continue to suck up increasing government tyranny.
        Most people are apathetic and uninformed, and will not rise up.
        Almost fifty percent of the population rely on government handouts in some form, and they won’t risk losing those.
        Local police forces will crush any attempt by patriotic Americans to take back their country. (which is why this Administration is making it easy for them to buy military-grade hardware).
        The military top brass are in bed with the traitors.
        And so on.
        Dreams of a popular uprising are just that–dreams.

  5. Diamond Mair says:

    I’ve been positing for some time, that around Halloween, “something” will happen that would “allow” Øbama to declare martial law ………………………………… whether Occupy gets out of hand again {they’re planning something against “Big Business” 31 October, documented} or ‘someone’ {Iran?} explodes a dirty nuke in a city, THERE would be his excuse ………………………………. the FodGuy & I have discussed it, and HE says there will be civil war & secessions ………………………………………… :rant My Dad, grandparents, etc., must be spinning in their graves ………………………………………

    Semper Fi’

  6. RobertvdL says:

    The Facts Show Our Commander In Chief Is Our Phony In Chief



    “If you want to know what community organizers do, this is it — rub people’s emotions raw to hype their resentments. And this was Barack Obama in his old community organizer role, a role that should have warned those who thought that he was someone who would bring us together, when he was all too well practiced in the arts of polarizing us apart.”

  7. KG says:

    Why don’t people like Sowell run for President, eh? Or West or Bachmann or Palin…..
    Possibly because the GOP is terrified of real conservatives?

  8. Contempt says:

    People like those mentioned would have to run on a 3rd party ticket. That would only help oBowa they say. oBowa won’t need a big excuse to continue his planned takeover. Whatever it is will be quick. Shit.

  9. Mark says:

    Obama is a loser and anyone who still supports him is as well. Racist threats by blacks will end their fifty years of privilege and they will be seen to be the losers like Obama.