Importing sh*t and thuggery:

‘A GANG of gatecrashers assaulted four people and smashed up nine cars at a social function in Balga last night.
Police say the thugs tried to force their way into the Balga Soccer and Social Club function on Princess Road about 8pm.
……..Dozens of children and women at the event had been left traumatised, club officials said this morning…
The gatecrashers of African descent arrived at the club and demanded entry but were refused.’ via Andrew Bolt
The proponents of multiculturalism are very, very quiet about incidents such as this. And there are a lot of these incidents to be quiet about…
Until Aussies get together and deal to the bastards kinetically, the problem will continue.

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15 Responses to Importing sh*t and thuggery:

  1. Barry says:

    Are these moslems , these things of African descent? Boot them out of Australia.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yes they are. Mostly Sudanese.

      The only way to rid Australia of the moslem virus now is (a) Cronulla 2.0, and this time finish the job, and (b) order a bulk-lot of hemp rope for the various elected and unelected who advance the multi-culti religion.

  2. KG says:

    Nobody has the balls nowadays, Barry. Our politicians are all subservient to the U.N. and the police are almost powerless. The problem won’t be fixed until we, the people say “enough” and start to take the law into our own hands.
    And yes, I’m advocating violence. When the State doesn’t keep it’s part of the bargain–to keep people safe–then the people are entitled to act in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    • mawm says:

      And you can bet that there will be political pressure on the police to get a conviction in each and every case. As in Britain with the EDL. :evil:

  3. KG says:

    What Gantt said. Exactly.

  4. KG says:

    “Six boats carrying 525 asylum seekers arrived in Australia over the weekend, amid protests among detainees on Nauru and Christmas Island.”
    Who gives a shit if they self-harm while on Nauru or Christmas Island? Perhaps they should be handed razor blades and hemp rope so they can do the job properly and save the Australian taxpayer millions. :rant

    • mawm says:

      They are invaders and should be feeding the sharks. :gunner

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Nauru is working well then, isn’t it?

      hmmm. Perhaps it was the Temporary Protection Visas and actually occasionally sending some of this filth back where it came from that proved so effective under the Pacific Solution?

      Incompetent, corrupt, girly government. And Chris Bowen is the worst of the girlie-men.

  5. KG says:

    Looking forward to that “cities” post, Gantt. ;-)

  6. MvL says:

    Would they be similar to These. of African descent?
    Who do ya think seems the smarter of the bunch :mrgreen:

  7. KG says:

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Made my day!

  8. Fairfacts Media says:

    I wonder what the sight of a million muslims in Hyde Park will do to the views of the British people.
    Surely the evil Britian has imported will become all too clear to the British people.
    I expect even the BBC might find it hard to sweep this protest under the carpet.

    • The Gantt Guy says:


      “Organiser Masoud Alam said: “Our next protest will be at the offices of Google and YouTube across the world. We are looking to ban this film. This is not freedom of expression, there is a limit for that. This insult of the Prophet will not be allowed.”

      But I guess waving signs that say “Behead all those who insult the prophet” is a legitimate exercise of the freedom of expression?

      Fucking hypocrites should apply for a job in Stephen Conroy’s Ministry! :rant

  9. Lofty says:

    It is clear time is the only barrier to similar incidents occurring here in good ol NZ.

    We are as just as open to the manifestation of peace from the the Islamist.

    I just wish the manifestation did not involve my death and that of my family and friends.