Nigel Farage takes a BBC weasel to the woodshed:

Thanks to Robert for this.

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16 Responses to Nigel Farage takes a BBC weasel to the woodshed:

  1. mawm says:

    He’s great, isn’t he.

  2. KG says:

    He sure is–and wasted on most of the sheeple.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    They don’t like it up them, no they don’t! :whoop

  4. octagongrappler says:

    He took that BBC drip to school!! :lol:

    • Elijah says:

      Yeah but the BBC drip looks like a smug cock as if what Nigel Farage was saying was making him look like and idiot. So much for journalistic objectivity.

  5. I dunno says:

    I never get sick of watching Nigel Farage, imagine having someone with a spine like that in this part of the world…

  6. RobertvdL says:

    Politicians pleased with Nobel peace prize for Europe, except Wilders

    And Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-European PVV, said the prize had been given to the EU because of all the problems facing the alliance. ‘What next? An Oscar for [EU president Herman] van Rompuy,’ Wilders said.

    All people I talk with voted PVV so how the hell is it possible he did not win. Somebody thinks elections were rigged ? No that would be impossible in The Netherlands…………………………………………… Think again.

  7. Fairfacts Media says:

    If only Nigel Farage was UK PM instead of that arrogant toffee-nosed Europhiliac Islamist apoligist in 10 Downing Street today.

    • Ronbo says:

      British politics are cursed with the parliamentary system and no written constitution…thus he who has the majority vote can rule like a tyrant as PM and any member of the ruling party who disagrees with his Highness can be thrown out.

      Of course, American politics aren’t much better, as our ruling Democrat socialists in Congress simply ignore the U.S. Constitution and allow Obama to rule by Executive Orders – and become a tyrant.

      Meanwhile on both sides of the Pond – the large army of unelected bureaucrats in vast and mysterious agencies click their heels and enable the tyrants.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Exactly, Ronbo. The Westminster Parliamentary system is not representative government, but Parliamentary Dictatorship.

        If your Supreme Court operated as it should, it would be a brake on the excesses of your Congress and President. But it doesn’t, so it isn’t. It is a liberal chop-shop, giving the worst of the Democrat and Republican agendas a free ride, and engaging in exactly the type of social engineering our Parliaments do here.

  8. KG says:

    Pretty much sums it up, Ronbo.

  9. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!HolyAllular!!! Briefly stated, Yours V. Trly believes that if BlackBerry can win the Piece Prize, then the Bog Administraitor est also qualified like you know like what I mean? Decadulars ago, YVTrlY with my Harvard Law Skool edication and an intelligence quotient far above the Earth itself actungully thought the piece prize was 4 real. WTF be peaceful about the EU please tell me so I can report it i n afternoon prayers for the fortunates entrapped in BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound otherwise here be d lessons offered 4 2day[all koursez b n d Fruit Lounge:
    1. “How Hillary Fucks Everything Up.” Instrukter: BlackBerry with Diplomatic Pouch and D mother in law.
    2. “How to suck a foot-long hotdog”*** InstruckeR Homer Sexualular featuring the LGBT Choir.
    3. “How to tune up Diplomatic Pouch’s Motor”* Incructers: D Harvard Football Team
    4. How to make good sausage from Honky Butts” with Jo Biden & La’shonda’Ruanda beatN D butts. B shore 2 lava las manos a manudo spic.
    Ah shit anybody got any jokes? Hi ’bout U TGG**?

    ta ta HarvardPotatoHead better luck next time you boys in our 56-57th Steaks don’t let no kangaroos jump yo asss

    *or die tryin. If yo mind gets thinking too open your brain may fall out. hVT ain’t kiddN bout dat y’heah?
    **The Greenish Grocerbreath hahahahahaOMohomoho!!!
    ***with slaw, chili, onions, musturd N ketchupp

    • KG says:

      And what a damn fine interviewer, Elijah! She made the BBC weasels look even more pathetic than usual. She actually let him speak and knew what questions to ask! :shock: