Nanny State hypocrisy

The packet of cigarettes I’m smoking right now has a huge warning splashed across the front and back: “SMOKING HARMS UNBORN BABIES
Perhaps. But not one thousandth as many as abortion clinics.

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8 Responses to Nanny State hypocrisy

  1. kowtow says:

    Too right. Certain “harms” are OK ,as long as they relate to women’s rights or human rights or equality or whatever excuse the left or minority rights wankers are into.

    What about my “right” to enjoy a quiet smoke without those disgusting warnings?

  2. KG says:

    All very selective, isn’t it Kowtow? They draw the longest possible bow in order to claim collective harm from individual pursuits they disapprove of.
    Collectivist assholes who are happy to destroy the family and liberty and pretend in the process they’re acting for the greater good. Well, fuck them. And the fashionable cause they rode into town on.

  3. Seneca III says:

    I have one in my pocket at this very moment that has a picture of a drooping cigarette captioned ‘Smoking can ruin your sex life!’

    Ha bloody Ha. After last night:
    :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers

    this has to be the most pointless caption ever.

    Seneca III :vomit

  4. KG says:

    :mrgreen: :cheers It doesn’t seem to have ruined mine at all either. Although an excess of alcohol on a given occasion well might… :grin:

  5. Darin says:

    Everyone hyperventilating about smoking,drinking,too big of a soft drink,too much fat in food etc can be easily trumped by borrowing a phrase from the mad cow movement-“It’s my body It’s my choice” :mrgreen: