‘They’ll Take Sweden’

‘…as the editors of Jyllands-Posten sagely, devastatingly, and eloquently pointed out – that makes Sweden, more than other nations, “a paradise for the masked men of violence, who, under the cover of night and the media’s complaints of police violence, can see their will realized and, house by house, month by month, gang by gang, show who’s boss, while Sweden sleeps.” It’s time, the editors urged, for Sweden to wake up…’     source

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14 Responses to ‘They’ll Take Sweden’

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    It’s only fitting that the poster boys for socialism are the first to reap it’s ‘benefits’ :evil:

  2. KG says:

    Yep, sure is.

  3. Brown says:

    They have huge taxes to pay for a home built Saab air force (and they are good too) yet they just give it all away to Islam without so much as a wimper. I’d be asking the socialists for my money back.

  4. RWT says:

    They don’t have to take Sweden anymore, the islamists are finding out to their surprise and to our horror that most in Europe are just looking to give it to them. The elites are literally jumping to whore themselves out to curry favor with their new masters.

    • Ronbo says:

      The European “Democratic” Socialist Elites are wimps?

      Long history there starting with the appeasement of Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930s.

      This is not news…

      The real news is that the polls indicate a majority of John Q. European Public opposes Islam and wants strong action.

      And sooner or later the Europeans will turn on the real authors of the Islam Problem.

      It was no mistake that Anders Brevik went after the socialists in Norway – and not the numerous Muslims of Oslo, who would have provided a much higher body count. :evil:

      Anders was on to something, methinks… :evil:

      First: take out the Left.

      Second: take out the Muslims.

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!LLL*!!!Yes, yes, yes it is yours very trulilily recooperating from a Memorial Day beer blast** which was held at the National Cemetery and facilitated by veteran William Ayers who is a good friend of BlackBerry’s, faithful and true to pervasions of justice, that is what Diplomatic Pouch seZ. In the Underground Kompound many fine things are coming to flower – BlackBerry mandated that Spanish B D Official Language until Arabic is facilitated N2 formation via the Department of de la EducatiO. PostDiscussion on the topic of the day will be facilitated in the Siesta Grille undt Lounge, an exact replica of the original cantina located South of the “Border” in la ciudad Juarez where U can order 6 Margaritas for .25 pesos and fuk mio Virgin seestar 4 free or receive a complimentary rectal examinatione’. OMG got a beep!! hasta luego manos PLEASE get me outta here! Bog Administraitor mama mia meta ta lo en la culo help goodbyeeeee

    *Lovin’ Lips Lounge
    **blast – BlackBerry is trending contemplation 2 ban use of this word considering that “BLAST” may empower average garden variety Patriots who are now somewhat transparently evolving openly, i.e.*** the EDL. BlackBerry thinks such a group could trend here in the United Steaks. We will see undt also will Erik the Holder.
    ***i.e. ipso facto [this is called a Latin phrase]

  6. Contempt says:

    shit that harvard bastard. It appears that in the underground compound life and language becomes more confusing as the days flow past. So we had Memorial Day, a time for fun and a time for play, Turner Classic Movies showed war movies for three days; Robert Osbourne appeared to explain production and acting details which makes me wonder when he ever sleeps.

    And Islam “fanatics” rolls on with pricks and slices and yes, KG, there will be much more before it is over. I take heart in knowing that in the American Revolution Patriots would appear in strength, kill lots of Loyalists, then go back home. And win the war. Will this happen soon, in a decade, two decades, three decades?

    • KG says:

      Give Harvard a break, Contempt–he’s working under great stress right there in the enemy HQ.

      Will this happen soon? I don’t know and can’t even guess, but if it doesn’t happen soon it never will.

  7. sweden goes after home schoolers- but not after terroists from the ‘religion of peace’ –

    I am amazed that Denmark (Vikings) and Sweden (vikings) are so different when it come to standing against tyranny–No imams allowed in Danish Lutheran Churches-don’t know if you know that…

    Thank God I’m Danish -Irish!!


  8. now – proof reading (-:

    the lower case letters are on purpose!

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    YES!!! It’s far overdue for someone to point his out and destroy another of the left’s lies


    And no one in the media calls them out on this

    • KG says:

      I’d take issue with one line in that otherwise excellent article, Michael:
      “This is true even though a large majority of Muslims do not support terrorism”

      Not so. In England, polling of muslims has shown again and again that they support jihadists. (about 60%, according to one poll)

  10. KG says:

    :mrgreen: A troll, now residing in the spam bin. A troll with this address:

    says of the situation in Sweden “it will blow over”.
    It’s a worry, that mental patients are allowed access to a keyboard…..