The grown-ups will now run Australia


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66 Responses to The grown-ups will now run Australia

  1. thor42 says:

    Great news!
    Congrats from me in NZ on sending the scum-sucking socialists back to the sewers where they belong.

    Aussie seems to have a tendency for governments to serve several terms (except for the just-knocked-out Labor, thank goodness), so the Coalition could well be in power for 9 years or so. I hope it’s longer.

  2. Ronbo says:

    REJOICE ATHENIANS :!: WE CONQUER :!: :mrgreen:

    A great victory for Western Civilization and proof once again that Marxism always loses in an honest election :!:


    • Ronbo says:

      END the government funding for the ABC Ministry of Socialism propaganda :!:

      This should be the first goal of the new government :!:

      Politics is WAR by peaceful means – and in a military campaign he who controls the air usually wins the campaign.

      Also, in the Internet Age, a taxpayer supported television news network is a total waste of valuable taxpayer money :!:


  3. Robertv says:

    Clean up time, this cancer has spread much deeper than you think.

  4. Findalis says:

    Does that mean that you will be getting your guns back?

    • Ronbo says:

      Anyone can own any gun and as much ammunition they want to own in Australia if they have the ready cash :!:

      It’s called “The Black Market” :mrgreen:

      …and as an added bonus at no extra charge the serial numbers on the gun can’t be traced back to you

    • Heisenbug says:

      It was the last Liberal government that took away the guns. And the grand old man who did it still thinks he did the right thing (and my guess is that they won’t go against him while he’s still alive…). It would be a fine thing, though. We can hope. And ring the bastards to let them know.

  5. GW says:

    I’m popping some cold one’s in your honor. Glad to see at least one country get it right. After your last administration, I guess this one needs to start with a purge, then a rewrite.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Liberal victory in Australia is getting many thumbs up here in the States, and you folks Down Under will be making American patriots very happy if you get that damn “carbon tax” repealed…like on Monday – as this is giving dip shits like Obummer the idea to do it to this country.

  6. Pascal says:

    I really wish you well down there. But you know I’m always warning to be prepared for the next betrayal. It would be a delightful surprise were Australia to really buck the trend of globalist infiltration of both sides of every Western aisle.

    I’m saying this not to be a downer, but to prepare all — so as not be be depressed with a a sense of hopelessness should the bubble burst there as it has elsewhere. Praying. If it can really happen there, maybe there’s still hope for us here.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    The conservatives won in Australia, the All Blacks beat Argentina and the Makos thumped Otago….all’s right with the world

  8. countenance says:

    Meanwhile, I’m still not sold. IBIWISI, or rather, I’ll believe it when I actually see non-Abo non-whites being deported and WAP or some reasonable equivalent being restored.

  9. Pascal says:

    Dammed troll is already gloating over what ought to be sober reflection. That is the game our tormenters have been playing from before this moron was scraped out of his petri dish.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I hope the troll enjoys being with like-minded folk splattered all over the walls of the spam-bin, Pascal. Some folks simply don’t like losing, do they?

      • Pascal says:

        The creep personally pissed me off because it twisted the congratulations mixed with warning I accidentally posted on the Bwahaaaaaa thread but belongs here. SOB couldn’t even be original.

  10. The Gantt Guy says:

    Australians will be going back to the polls within a year. Don’t forget, boys & girls, Labor and the Watermelons still own the Senate, and if anyone thinks for a second they’ll slay their sacred cows or give up their shibboleths just because of a minor technicality as the voters reject them, they’re deluding themselves. They’ll work night and day to prevent Abbott from implementing the reforms for which he now has a mandate.

    I predict Abbott will have his first double-dissolution trigger within a month, when his repeal of the “Carbon Tax” is blocked.

    • KG says:

      That’s my hunch too, Gantt.
      Abbott will need to realise that the equivalent of Bush Derangement Syndrome applies to the leftards of Oz and that all talk of “inclusiveness” and “consultation” with the bastards is fatuous–they’re at war and will obstruct and wreck and lie and smear regardless of any goodwill shown them.

  11. Darin says:

    Congrats!Here’s hoping they get to work right away setting things right or at least doing away with some of the irritating petty BS the last bunch installed.

  12. Lot’s of smiles across the ditch this morning–congratulations Australia, you have got it right.

  13. KG says:

    ‘The frontrunner to become opposition leader, Bill Shorten, warned the Coalition Labor was not about to accept Mr Abbott’s claimed mandate to axe the carbon price…’
    Don’t like the mere peasants expressing their wishes, do they?
    Leftism is a faith, not a political stance. Politics is merely their way of enforcing that faith.

  14. WebWrat says:

    Wonderful news!! Now we want it to be a global trend … NOW!

    KG I hate to tell you this, but I’ve become a bit of a greenie lately. I’m covered in cow shit most of the time … working in a 50 bail rotary!

  15. WebWrat says:

    How could anyone be so thick as to vote for Barry??

    • KG says:

      Damn right! From the link:
      “..Your legacy is being created daily and should you not change your course, your legacy will, without a doubt, rival that of Adolph Hitler for the pain and suffering you have delivered to freedom loving people all over the world; especially to We The People of this once free nation.”

      • thor42 says:

        That’s an outstanding letter from a true patriot.

        Obutthead isn’t fit to gaze upon the White House, let alone occupy it.

  16. MvL says:

    All I can say is………………….
    YES!. :lol:

  17. Robertv says:

    Australian Spring

  18. Congratulations my Aussie friends–
    from a Cali- USy–

  19. Mathew says:

    The victory seats told us everything we needed to know about both candidates and why we had made the right choice. It was hard to tell if kevvie was actually giving a concession speech.

    Apart from the initial – best of luck to Abbott – he actually sounded like he won, it was weird. I stopped watching when he waffled on and came back just in time to catch the new PM, wow, he was good, really prime ministerial. And thank the Lord, it was a short speech.

    Good bye kev, take your sauce bottle and everything else, can’t say thanks for anything cos you left us with a pile of crap to clean up. Don’t write, don’t call, we don’t want to know, just go.

    When I watched Abbott and his family, i was feeling sorry for him, he is what we need, but just watch, he will do what he promised, he will clean up the poo left by labor, but he and his family will be vilified every day for it.

    Lord, give him the strength to bear the hate and bile that’ll be coming his way soon. Just like with Howard, they’ll never forgive him for saving us.

    • KG says:

      “Lord, give him the strength to bear the hate and bile that’ll be coming his way soon. Just like with Howard, they’ll never forgive him for saving us.”
      Ain’t that the truth, Mathew!

    • Pascal says:

      The hard part will be persuading Abbott to be as radical as he needs to be in order to get Australia back on its feet.

      This isn’t to say he’s another David Cameron in the making.

      That’s precisely the kind of shit I warned you all about. The pressure is building. The worst is when it comes from friends.

      KG, isn’t there some way to move that comment I left at the bwahahaha thread and keep the timestamp?

  20. john says:

    Great news to wake up to! :smile:
    Now watch the leftist wreckers and malcontents go to work. They have been defeated but not annihilated.

    • KG says:

      Yep. Which is why the Abbott government’s first priority should be to de-fund the rotten ABC.
      James Delingpole observes that they make the BBC look like a model of impartiality and objectivity–I can think of no greater indictment.

  21. Darin says:

    “‘The frontrunner to become opposition leader, Bill Shorten, warned the Coalition Labor was not about to accept Mr Abbott’s claimed mandate to axe the carbon price…”

    If that is the case,then Mr Shorten should be immediately smacked down and hard.I’m sure he has skeletons in his closet,now is the time to take the gloves off and find them.Same goes for anyone else that attempts an end run around the people.Simply getting them out of office isn’t enough either,they need to be ruined and shamed to a point they can never hold office again.

    You’ve broken through they’re lines,now is the time to drive them into the sea-No Mercy :twisted:

    • KG says:

      You bet Shorten has skeletons in his closet–the creep is a union thug and fixer from ‘way back. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      The Right are all too honourable to get into the muck heap with the left. It’s time they learned that it is a war with them and they need to do whatever it takes to win.

      Sigh, if only little old NZ could get a right wing, principled PM.

      • Robertv says:

        That’s the problem. Honourable people don’t shoot you in the back and they know that.
        You have to defeat them with facts the same as we do with climate change.
        Let’s not descend to their level. That’s what they would like

        • KG says:

          Not “descending to their level” has allowed the left to undermine our traditions and institutions virtually unopposed, Robert.
          While we’re being ethical, they’re doing what it takes to win.
          I’ve no intention of being walked all over by scumbags simply because I refuse to use the same tactics in return.
          An honourable loser is still a loser.
          The left cannot be defeated with facts because they’re simply immune to them–leftism is a faith, not an ideology.

  22. KG says:

    “It’s time they learned that it is a war with them and they need to do whatever it takes to win.”
    Amen! to that.

  23. The Gantt Guy says:

    I know it’s a day for celebration, but I can’t help but feel deeply sad about the waste of 6 years, the waste of the greatest financial boom in the nation’s history, the plundering of the treasury. It would have been great if Treasurer Hockey could have started from where Costello left off, rather than where he came in. Australia has effectively lost some 20 years of economic progress and prosperity.

    And say whatever you like about JuLiar Gillard, we can never take away from her that she was Australia’s first woman Prime Minister. It is a sad, sad truth that can never be expunged from the history books. It would have been so much better for the annals of Australian history had someone other than the most vile creature of the female species been the first PM. Hell, you could make a list of women who would have been a better first PM. You could start with Lara Bingle, and work upwards from there!

  24. Lara says:

    Abbott is just another Leftie Key in disguise, just wait and see. Don’t count your chickens yet.

    • KG says:

      Um…you do read stuff, don’t you Lara? Even minimal research will reveal that Abbott is a very different beast indeed to the Key capon.
      Your comment is a demonstration of uninformed prejudice, if not crass stupidity.

      • I dunno says:

        To be fair KG, I agree that Abbot is way better than his predecessor, but I’m yet to be convinced that he’ll do more than 10% of what you and I would like to see him do. By the time he gets bogged down in the bureaucracy left behind by labor, it’ll be an uphill battle…

  25. KG says:

    Too right, Gantt.
    (and I’d rather like to start with Lara Bingle…… :twisted: )

  26. dondiego says:

    That thumbs-up for Lara Bingle was me. Speaking of adults running the shop, thought we’d have heard from Harvard by now.
    Guess he’s too busy in the chigger compound, or the 56th & 7th Steaks aren’t important enough for Blackberry right now.

  27. Lara says:

    I was just making a comment I thought fair.
    They are all lefties, more or less.
    But better than Rudd, I suppose.

  28. Robertv says:

    Who is Bob Katter ?

    • KG says:

      Queenslander. Regarded as slightly eccentric by urban leftards, he represents a large slice of outback Queensland, Robert.

  29. KG says:

    ‘Well done Australia!  A centre-Right party manages to win a landslide election by standing to cut immigration, lower taxes, end the obsession with CO2 emissions and reduce foreign aid.
    Who would have thought it, eh? Not, it would seem, those in Britain who have spent the past two decades trying to convince the Tory party that the way to win elections is to drift towards the soggy centre…’