Trust your local police? Yeah, right.

‘Police made burglaries vanish
Police altered official crime statistics to make hundreds of burglaries disappear, a Herald on Sunday investigation has found.
…Counties Manukau district commander Superintendent John Tims said police were very disappointed when the misconduct was discovered.
…He said the five staff who faced disciplinary proceedings had faced a range of sanctions, which were confidential because of employment laws.
WTF! The people who pay their wages aren’t entitled to know what happens to those who screw them?
And the last sentence in this news item is a jaw-dropper! The guy who got burgled damn well deserved it, the mealy-mouthed idiot.

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11 Responses to Trust your local police? Yeah, right.

  1. Alan says:

    I was a long term Police officer in another life. up the ranks a bit so I know a fair bit
    about crime statistics and their manipulation. The type of thing mentioned in the
    article was common place in an attempt to show that Police were on top of things.
    The reverse was also common, manufacturing reporting of crime to show that things
    were out of control, and more staff was needed in a given area. There are statistics and bare faced lies. It has been going on for decades.

    • KG says:

      It seems to go on everywhere there’s pressure on the police to meet some kind of performance target, Alan.
      I understand that, but object to being lied to.

      • Tamat says:

        Manipulating crime and traffic stats has been going on for years. Became more evident when District Commanders/Managers (or what ever they are called these days) went on to employment contracts. District stats reflected how well or poorly they were doing at their job and influenced their promotion prospects. I wouldn’t accept that the Police hierarchy have been taking instruction from Government to make the stats look good….its been done to make themselves look good and qualify for their bonus payment in meeting their contractual objectives.

        • KG says:

          Well, governments always seem to have a resistance to employing more front-line police, Tamat, and skewed stats would certainly help them there.

          • Tamati says:

            But the skewing of the stats was happening at the Police end..I ‘spose I was making reference to Andrew Little’s comments that the Govt had a hand in downing family violence stats for political reasons. I am saying that the stat fraud that is going on won’t be at the behest of Govt, but from self serving Police Managers.
            To get their annual funding from NZLTA, Police have to show their hours devoted to traffic policing. This this was another area where stats got doctored.
            The NZ Police is stat driven. If a particular outcome needs to look different on paper for what ever reason, the new look is just a matter of changing the reporting codes which has happened in the case mentioned.. creative accounting..

  2. Ronbo says:

    The role of the police is to protect the government, they cannot and will not protect the public…I was briefly – very briefly – a U.S. Army Military Policeman and I was told that by a career colonel, who had served in the NYPD.

    So people are shocked that the police just LIE about stats :?:

    My good friends, this is the least of it. :evil:

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    The help they need is a lead deficiency correction. :evil:

  4. Mathew says:

    “Tolley denied police were under political pressure to reduce burglary statistics.”
    “….in the region, which spans Papakura, Pukekohe, Drury and Waiuku.”

    Put those two together and i think most of us know why the crime stats were fudged. You can bet they wouldn’t be fudged if the criminals were white.

    “We hoped because it was a serious crime they would do something about it, but that hope is long since gone. My worry is that the criminals who did this are not getting caught so they are not getting the help they need with their problems.”

    No need to worry and fret dumbass, just put up some signs around your home – no locks, no guns, make love not war – then bake some cookies and warm up the milk, when they come for a second round, you can invite them for a chat and to hold hands and share your feelings and all that.

    Just one recommendation, send the wife and kids somewhere else, i wouldn’t want them to pay the price of your stupi….. er new age thinking. :lol: