“illicit” my ass

What they mean is thieving government and bureaucrats might miss out on more control over our lives. By accepting the weaselly excuses for this theft we self-subjugate. Your property is only yours until the government decides otherwise.
Sniffer dogs have smelled their way to finding more than $3.5 million in illicit cash since they were introduced at NZ borders…’

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9 Responses to “illicit” my ass

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    If you don’t declare it (if it’s over $NZ10,000-worth) then it becomes “illicit” on that basis alone.

    • KG says:

      Well, of course Odakyu-sen.
      The larger question is why we allow some of the most corrupt, self-serving, stupid people to define what is illicit.
      And use those definitions to seize private property.

  2. the power “royals” wrest freedom – a little at a time–
    and you all know- it has been happening here in the US as well- over the last 100 years–
    be watchful – my friends-

  3. Darin says:

    If all taxes were collected at the point of sale,an excise tax,then all that “illicit” money coming in would be in circulation helping drive the economy instead of stacked up in a closet somewhere feeding the Moths.

    Over here we have laws against “structuring”.Any Bank deposit over $10,000 is reported to the government originally to help them catch money launderers,drug kingpins etc.So in response to that,they would simply make several smaller deposits spread out over several days.

    Problem is a lot of small business people also make daily cash deposits when they deposit the days receipts.So of course the government (IRS) has also tangled them in the same net,many times politically motives are at play as well.


  4. Ronbo says:

    What boggles my mind is that the greatest leap forward in the condition of man on earth was in the 19th century when “hands off” capitalism made the Industrial Revolution starting in Britain and quickly spreading to America and Europe.

    I observe what worked well in the age of steam would work even better in the computerized hi-tech world we live in today – so this should be the model – a limited central government responsible only for a few things like national defense and the law courts funded by user fees…NO TAXATION…PERIOD :!: on the national level.

    Local government is a different beast, you may have some taxation there, but I think it should be capped at 10% – a consumption tax only :!: No income tax, real estate tax, etc, etc. allowed.

    Education and the rest of the welfare state given back to private individuals. The needy would be taken care of by charities and the church.

    In the late 19th century, the U.S. Government was nearly bankrupt and had to be bailed out by super wealthy J.P. Morgan. I want to see those days again. :mrgreen:

  5. mawm says:

    It’s not theft; you just never owned the “money” – it’s only fiat money anyway and governments can change its value as they wish – be they red or blue.

  6. Brown says:

    Dogs are man’s best friend my arse.

    My brother (who is retired and a pensioner) got asked at LA a couple of years ago how much money he had by customs(?) or some other monkey and the guy got really shitty when he was told “… a few bucks but don’t you have credit cards and ATM’s in the US?” It was a bigger question, apparently, than how much you had in your wallet. My brother got a bit of a rough up after that and was very surprised about the treatment of a tourist.

    • Darin says:

      That’s how they treat natives Brown,so your brother should take it was a welcome.He was dealing with the New SS afterallhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif