A post by ‘Redbaiter’

How To Stop The Cult of The Blue Arsed Tree Frog
(Putting Practical Political Objectives Over Ideology )

I don’t care if you want to belong to and promote the benefits of belonging to the Cult of the Blue Arsed Tree Frog. Your mind. Do with it as you wish.
I do care about my property and my freedom, and I care about it being taken away by the slow onslaught of a primeval ooze called Progressivism.
Progressivism is a bit like the Blue Arsed Tree Frog cult. First a few people get ideas as to how we should all live, (and think). From that springs the cult. The cult if successful, eventually grows into an army of advocates forming governments and using that government to enforce what they identify as The Correct Way of Thinking. Fascists and Progressives and Socialists (subgroups of Fascists) and Marxists and Nazis and Maoists and Stalinists have been doing this throughout history.
Somewhere out there, the next manifestation of the cult of the Blue Arsed Tree Frog is dreaming up a plan to take over from the Progressives. And there will be another cult after that, and another and another. There’s no end to it.
How to stop it?

Well, I looked at the globe, and I noticed that the one country where cultism was not entirely absent but less prevalent than elsewhere was the US. A Republic with a Constitution. Obviously not perfect, but a lot better than anything else out there. Let’s apply that pattern to NZ. We have to first completely detach from Britain. (don’t get pissed off just yet, give me a chance)
Next step is to produce a Constitution. More on that later. Third step is to reduce current government (in Wellington) to tasks specifically suited to guarding the realm and its citizens. Armed forces, Justice, etc etc. Next, reinstate the provinces that were abolished in 1876. Call them states and give them responsibility for independently governing each specific region.
What this does is bring competition into government at the same time as it slices the ground away from under the feet of central control bureaucrats who now infest Wellington and spread their poisonous tentacles throughout the country.
We need to build a mini United States here in New Zealand, and guard the new Republic with a constitution constructed with regard to the historical successes and failures of the US Constitution. I suggest the following key points-
•    No use of government to advantage or disadvantage any race, culture religion or creed. The Constitution is to state most clearly that all terms specifying these items are to be excluded from any government legislation.
•    Make sure the right of the citizenry to bear arms is specified clearly, and that the intent is also clearly stated, ie that arms are primarily necessary to empower the citizens to overthrow any government that demonstrates legal contempt of the Constitution.
•    Obviously there is a requirement to benchmark the size of government both federal and state and ensure there is no expansion past a certain point. Government budgets can only be increased according to strictly specified terms relating to population growth and economic production.
•    Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the Constitution should specify no government expansion into the supply business- ie power, insurance, water, banking, health or education. Don’t expect government to insure you against mistakes and misjudgements in the commercial sector or anywhere. Its your life. Manage it and secure it yourself.
These are tangible and attainable objectives. A New Zealand government and nation altered to align with the above plan and separated into independently governed states would free us once and for all from the threat of our lives being taken over by some mind shaping regime. The intrusion of ideology into government.
We have to free ourselves from these loony bastards. This time and for all time.

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