What was “paranoia”

is now fact:
‘Foundations plan to pay news media to cover radical UN agenda
EXCLUSIVE: The United Nations Foundation created by billionaire Ted Turner, along with a branch of media giant Thompson Reuters, is starting to train a squadron of journalists and subsidize media content in 33 countries—including the U.S. and Britain–in a planned $6 million effort to popularize the bulky and sweeping U.N.-sponsored Sustainable Development Goals, prior to a global U.N. summit this September. where U.N. organizers hope they will be endorsed by world leaders.
The unprecedented media push is formally intended to start on May 25 but is already underway. It is intended to help breathe some new life into a sprawling U.N. effort–supported by, among others, the Obama administration–to create a global social and environmental agenda for the next 15 years…’
(bold mine)
Now, I’m glad I’m an old man, one who has seen what relative freedom looks like. Your children won’t, but then they won’t recognise their slavery for what it is, either.

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13 Responses to What was “paranoia”

  1. Wombat says:

    Target acquisition just got a lot easier.

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    Well Wombat and KG, its too late. As of 2003, I just figured the new shows and new movies were not as great as the old shows and movies. So I slowly built up my collection. As of 2013, 90% of what I was watching was the old shows and movies. So when they insisted that to be able to watch TV, I had to buy a freeview box, that’s when I cut all ties to current TV. And I’ve been doing that for the last 18 months.

    And I get my news from the alternative media. So, this ploy that they have, won’t affect me one bit. Maybe a few people will take my example, and drive these people out of business. Cause that’s the only effective way I know to fight for freedom. When if affects their bottom line, and they know people are boycotting them, that when they will change or lose money. At the same time, when I try to explain it to people they get completely lost. They don’t understand a TV that can only view DVDs, and not what’s currently on. So I feel like the oddball.

    • KG says:

      “When if affects their bottom line, and they know people are boycotting them, that when they will change or lose money.”
      The problem is, Warren, that “progressives” have billions available to keep the propaganda coming. :(

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Aw KG, true, but other countries don’t like some of this progressive stuff either. For instance in Islam men get respect. So, if their are enough people who don’t like it for other reasons, then maybe things will change. And I’m not saying this with confidence, I’m saying it with a question mark.

        How much do these progressives own in the West, as compared to what the East owns. Hitler and Stalin hated each other, and they weakened each other. So maybe their is still hope, or maybe the progressives are too rich. Again I’m not saying I’m sure one way or the otherhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif. What I know for sure is they aren’t winning with me. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

        I’ve also heard that China and Russia are against the New World Order. So if that’s true we have some breathing space.

        • KG says:

          “I’ve also heard that China and Russia are against the New World Order. So if that’s true we have some breathing space.”
          Fingers crossed. It depends on how useful some aspects of it are in weakening the West, I suspect. They’ll help promote those parts that further their agendas.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            Fingers crossed is exactly it. Maybe they will do something to slow it down, or maybe they won’t be much help, but its not over till the fat lady sings.

  3. Ronbo says:


    Don’t surrender one minute before victory!

    In the words of my favorite French revolutionary, Danton:

    One of his fierce sayings has become a proverb. Against the Duke of Brunswick and the invaders, “il nous faut de l’audace, et encore de l’audace, et toujours de l’audace”—”We need audacity, and yet more audacity, and always audacity!”

    The Global Leftist revolution will be met by an more powerful Global Capitalist counter revolution….and like Robespierre and his Jacobins the Global Leftist Oligarchy will be made a head shorter…Even if the Dantons of the world should fall to the blade.

  4. Ronbo says:


    Your last email came in loud and clear!

    “A Black Hole,” heh?

    As I’ve said earlier, I’m getting attention not only from Uncle Sugar, but it would appear the Russians are tapping into my line as well.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

    The upside is that I have plenty of good plots to my fiction, as other people are apparently writing an excellent script for murky reasons, and all I have to do is change the names to protect the guilty.

    Anyhow, having friends all over the planet seems to bring them wonderfully alive, although it does play havoc with my email accounts.

    A Thought: Do you think they actually believe the B.S. I write? Maybe my fiction is getting close to fact?


  5. Kirly says:

    The headline made me immediately think, ah, the Democrats in the USA have finally offloaded this expense.

    The “establishment” Republicans are little better but not as good at it.

  6. john says:

    Ted Turner? Isn’t he one of those crazy genocidal fuckers who want to limit Earth’s population to 500 million?

    • Pascal says:

      Yes. It’s one of the reasons he’s suspected of being the instigator and source of funding for the Georgia Guidestones.

      He also bestowed a huge reward to the author of the Lidditish/Misanthropic novel “Ishmael” with which educrats indoctrinate young minds for the Gaia crowd. Was it merely an oddity how, in 1991, that he chose to use the foundational Arabic name of Ishmael for the novel’s telepathic Gorilla? Probably. Depends on what else Turner is a lover of (and more treasonous than Hanoi Jane).