some quickies

‘Anti-Muslim’ far right forecast to take over swathes of France…  Drudge

Loretta Lynch Is Unfit to Serve as Attorney General

The Attorney General of the United States Is Disgracing Herself

7 Reasons You Should Buy a Gun After San Bernardino

‘Terror attack on UK city imminent’ so why have 375 ISIS terrorists been allowed back in?

‘Democrats to Attend Prayer Service at Radical Mosque

5 Critical Things You’re Missing in Your SHTF Training

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14 Responses to some quickies

  1. Ronbo says:

    When we talk about the First amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.”

    Okay, Lynch Traitor Bitch – I accept your challenge of my First Amendment right to FREE SPEECH! Islam is a totalitarian ideology flying the false flag of religion that has been at war for 1,400 plus years against everyone on the planet who is not a Muslim. The KORAN – the Muslims Holy Bible – commands the Believer in 164 JIHAD verses – to rob, rape, torture, loot, enslave or murder anyone who is not a Muslim.

    I say that such people are a dangerous 5th column of thugs and murderers living large and free in our sacred Homeland who can never be loyal Americans, as was recently proven in San Bernardino, California. I say that all such dangerous people should be deported back to their countries of origin regardless of citizenship status. I say the words in the KORAN are just cause for the United States of America to declare total war on Islam that should include nuclear weapons.

    Therefore, Traitor Bitch Lynch, I’ve thrown the gauntlet at the foot of your burka!

    If your words are not simply politically correct rhetoric designed to score suck ass points with the Obama Regime and terrorize patriotic Americans like me, you have no choice except to prosecute me for a “hate crime against Islam.” If you do not immediately move to secure my arrest, you have exposed yourself to the world as the worthless piece of cowardly shit.

    • KG says:
      This was a step too far, even for the Muslim Brotherhood lapdogs of this traitorous Administration.
      Hubris. Better men than this marxist swine have fallen to it.

      • Ronbo says:

        Just wait until Monday – I bet there will be an anti-Lynch/anti-Muslim blogburst the Obama Regime won’t believe – and I’ll make another bet this was done all for show and nothing will be done to anyone who calls her bluff.

  2. KG says:

    ‘Former Congressman Unleashes on Attorney General in Rant Against Islam: ‘Go Ahead and Prosecute Me. I Dare You.’…’

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      There’s no way in the world she’s ever gonna pick on someone (a) who has a pre-existing audience, and (b) who can string two sentences together.

      The Defence would like to submit into evidence Exhibit A: this koran printed in both arabic and English, with the relevant passages highlighted…

      There goes the whole “religion of peace” lie.

      Besides which, I’ll start believing there’s a “backlash”, I’ll start believing there’s any “anti-moslem rhetoric” when imams start disappearing in the middle of the night and mosques start getting razed.

      Lying, filthy, treasonous fifth-column cunts, right across both parties.

  3. Darin says:

    Democrat Senator ,founding member of C.U.N.T and all around Dumb Bitch Barbara Boxer blows one out her arse-

    “Sensible gun laws work,” Boxer told reporters. “We’ve proven it in California.”

    Must be smoking some strong stuff these days.

  4. KG says:

    “Besides which, I’ll start believing there’s a “backlash”, I’ll start believing there’s any “anti-moslem rhetoric” when imams start disappearing in the middle of the night and mosques start getting razed.”
    Damn right.
    And I pray that day arrives soon.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      We’re at the point now where, if it doesn’t start happening, Western Civilisation will go the way of the Romans. It really is that simple – it’s an existential struggle, and it’s time “we” woke the fuck up and realised it.

    • carol-christian soldier says:

      AMEN brother!–I can still say that !!
      and MERRY CHRISTmas too–I can still say that!

  5. Oswald Bastable says:
  6. Grog says:

    I don’t know how credible the info in the link is, but if it’s true, here’s one more example of the “news” people working with the local “officials” to not provide all the info.

    Then again, one must consider this is in kalifornya, there’s very few independent thinking adults living there any more. A few, such as Wirecutter, but not many.