Love liberty? Boycott Facebook.

‘Exclusive — Immigration Hawks: Facebook Engaging in Deliberate Suppression of Our Content’

It’s worse than you think.
UPDATE: Milo’s take on it.

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7 Responses to Love liberty? Boycott Facebook.

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    If there is a hell, Mark Zuckerberg belongs there. If that’s too strong, sorry but I’m really, really upset with these people.

    • KG says:

      Too strong? If anything, I’d say that’s too merciful, Warren.

      • Darin says:

        I like David Horowitz’s term for people like Zuckerburg-“Jewicidals”.Here they are supporting and actively pushing the leftist agenda despite the fact the left is increasingly very antisemitic.

  2. Emily Summer says:

    Most people are too caught up in this instant gratification bullshit with their smartphones and have to spill their guts on facebook……like anyone really cares.

    Boycott? Are you kidding? Can’t give up anything nowadays…..except sound reasoning. How about everybody boycotts the TSA and flying for just one day? What’s that? Yeah, I thought so. People are slaves because they like the goodies. (spit)

  3. Flashman says:

    Facebook died of boredom for me a while ago: one can only take so many vacation and baby photos.

    I don’t miss it.