“Take a Knee is total Bullsh-t”

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17 Responses to “Take a Knee is total Bullsh-t”

  1. Ronbo says:

    Slaves take the knee – Free men and women stand tall!

    Don’t believe me?

    A typical black slave on the Leftist Plantation.


  2. KG says:

    ‘Break Up the NFL’s Corrupt Dem Monopoly’

    Wabbit had no idea the NFL was that corrupt! :shock:

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    Well maybe, a reduction in revenue might make them change their mind. Unfortunately that’s sometimes the only way you can get through to some people.

  4. Caleb says:

    They claim freedom of speech by shitting on what gave them that freedom.. And for what exactly?

  5. Bill the Bunyip says:

    Day by Day cartoon has it nailed with this
    The comments section is well worth the read as well with this little ripper being my choice for COD (comment of the day).
    “For behold my field of fucks, for it is empty, and barren, and I have none to give.”

  6. tranquil says:

    Heh….. I left a comment on a YouTube video saying that I wondered how you would “take a knee” if you were in a **wheelchair**…. :)

    Maybe flop onto one side, onto one wheel….. ?

  7. Bill the Bunyip says:

    Mr administrator, would you kindly delete my first comment as this Windoze beast did things that I didn’t intend with the title.

  8. tranquil says:

    I agree that “taking a knee” is complete liberal bullshit and fucktardedness.

    Speaking of which – I popped over to the German English-language forum that I left some info about Islam on. Sheesh….. completely braindead replies (as I expected).
    One dickwad even claimed that I was wrong (despite my info coming straight from the Islamic texts! ).

    Oh well….. Germany is the world HQ of “stupid” and you can’t fix stupid…….

  9. Robertv says:

    Low IQ people are easy to manipulate. That’s why Hitler used them as Brown Shirts to do the dirty work. The moment they were no longer needed they were eliminated.

    Don’t these low IQ 1 percenters know who really is behind this and that they don’t give a shit about Black lives or any other life. Who do you think will be the first to be eliminated when progressives really take over.
