The Left are Neolithic Pagan Sociopaths ….

Their goal is to destroy civilization and you along with it. This is not an opinion post, so don’t read it as such. This is rather the closing arguments in an indictment.

Not that anyone who visits here needs much encouragement, but please feel free to add any other attributes, ongoing campaigns — open and hidden — that you spot, and consequences of same that you have observed.

That they call themselves “progressive” is a joke; they are anything but. De-progressives is more like it. You can make up your own mind based on the evidence.

Pathological Depression Has anyone else noticed that the left, and Hollywood in particular for the last couple decades, has had a fixation with death, destruction and decay? They have produced an endless number of apocalyptic, end of the world movies, where disease, aliens, climate change or zombies have destroyed civilization and much of Earth’s population. Part of the reason why Hollywood has seen a decline in ticket sales is due to the audience sensing the endless indoctrination,  the bigger part of which is found in how recent movies end. They “gift” the viewer with one depressing, horrible climax after another. To be so fixated with death is to worship it. These people are running a cult.

Obsession Going further back, they have worshiped at the alter of demonic actors like Stalin, Mao and Che, while covering up for the genocide they committed. Set aside the failed economics and authoritarian tyranny, those are minor distractions compared to wholesale slaughter of innocent life. And isn’t that what they really desire? Any government, right or left, can become fascist, but it takes a special kind of crazy to crave the power to exterminate millions of people.

Murderous insanity And what of their own genocide? What of the estimated 125,000,000 aborted Murdered unborn children worldwide that have been burned to death with saline or torn limb from limb while still alive? The same people who obsess over animal “rights” and want to shield murderers from capital punishment have zero problem with slaughtering unborn children (and reportedly those “accidentally” born) using methods so inhumane we wouldn’t even practice them on the animals we raise for meat.

Abandonment of Science and Reason They have diminished the excellence formerly found in science and academic rigor down into a propaganda tool used to drive their agenda. Science has been slain on the alter of political expedience and replaced with a pop-culture blend of pseudo-science and emotion. It is a sinister concoction designed to breed fear in the minds of the misinformed masses. Worst part of it all, they steal from the former reputable authority of the sciences to justify their devaluing of human life, an opinion that paves the way to future atrocities not in the 10s of millions as in the past, but in the billions.

Education as another tool for the cult He who controls the class room controls the culture. They have seized the reins of public education and turned generations into mindless automatons that can only repeat their programming. They have programmed masses of our children to believe that the founders of our culture were evil. That God does not exist and that only the needs of the state should be held in regard. They have taught and re-enforced the soft tyranny of low expectations that currently saddles the minds of our youth with a negative attitude of defeatism.

Identity as currency They have rejected the idea that who we are is built on a foundation of righteous ideas and moral absolute, where actions speak louder than words, and where physical demonstration lends proof to the truth of our convictions. Instead they have replaced it with a disjointed hierarchy of mental illness and sexual deviance. They have told us that the sexes are interchangeable, that there are more genders than just two and that what you are isn’t as important as what you identify as.

Ruled by their own desires Envy, greed, lust, hatred and self pity are the currency of their realm. They see no cure for their afflictions and seek to cast aspersions on anyone who points out their sickness. They assume that because they are afflicted that everyone else must be as well.

This column could go on for several more pages. We have all seen the evidence, it is all around us invading every facet of our lives. We know who they are and what they do. It’s high time we uniformly recognize their intent and call it out whenever and wherever we see it.

These people aren’t “progressives.” Progress means to move forward. These lot are moving backward and should best be called De-progressives. The only difference between them and the stone aged priests who sacrificed children to deities and demigods imagined during drug induced fits of coma are their Twitter accounts and soy milk lattes.

They are not our Friends. They are not our Family. They are not our countrymen. They are in fact our mortal enemies and it’s time we awaken as many as possible to that reality.



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23 Responses to The Left are Neolithic Pagan Sociopaths ….

  1. Pascal says:

    This is a super important post Darin.

    Though currently rich and powerful, our enemy is minuscule in numbers compared to the numbers they target. We cannot afford to let these relatively few De-progressives establish the equivalent of the old Supreme Soviet to rule Earth’s billions.

    Each of us must recommit to the once common Christian notion to love our neighbors as ourselves so as to heal the De-progressives’ almost complete destruction of our melting pot.

    Americans cannot, will not, be subjugated by these despots should we reunite as AMERICANS. Full stop. No hyphens.

    Only then will we be able to stand together to restore the greatest nation ever created by men with the blessing of their Creator.

    • Darin says:

      Pascal,just so long as we are clear-
      These people are not our neighbors,family or even passing acquaintances. They are the enemy period. The time for turn the other cheek Christianity is well past and the only proper attitude towards them , is to cut them out of our lives entirely. At this point,to even tolerate their insane behavior, will bring us under the same judgement.

      Do I still pray for them?Yes,a simple prayer-“save them Lord or slay them dead”.I am done trying to reason with them, they are incapable of reason. I am done praying for them to repent, in short there is nothing more we can do, it is best left up to God to do with them as he sees fit.

      I would remind Christians of a couple items-One, The Bible says that the Lord is the same, yesterday, today and forever. If we believe that God has poured out judgement on entire populations in the past, then there is no reason not to believe, that he will do so again shortly.

      • Pascal says:

        And I was not speaking of the De-progressives who continue to scheme to divide us.

        Us being those who still have a live and let live code of conduct, but will only stay that way until pushed too far.

        So that excludes them and their Leftist tools, whether it be antifa, or the city councils who protect antifa by threatening the cops, or most education administrators, all the way down to their brain-dead, indoctrinated (essentially zombies).

        As for God pouring down judgment, given the physics of the world He created for us, that will include us who have permitted the De-progressives to have gotten this far. In other words, our mortal costs are almost certainly to be severe as we do battle.

        The only question that remains is: will He choose to forgive us for having turned a blind eye to one particular injustice too much? That is a question for each soul to answer, and I pray for them.

        • Darin says:

          I think we will have to abandon live and let live,it’s past time we go on the offensive.We are in this spot because no one our side pushed back.
          I’m not worried about mortal costs, the one thing I am sure of is death at some point will come for me as well. As a Christian American Male I would rather die standing than on my knees, especially to the likes of the deproggs.

          As to the particular injustice, I have fought against it my whole life as long as I have been aware. I have been ridiculed, laughed at and cussed out because of it too. No longer though, several years I changed tactics and started on the offensive. Now there are certain relatives that dare not breech the subject with me, or even politics in general, because I adopted a scorched Earth policy. I’ve turned the tables on them, it’s they that walk on pins and needles now

          • MikeH. says:

            I would not consider the number of hard core, Kool-Aid drinking leftists to be “miniscule”. On a global scale, as they indoctrinate our youth through their “liberal education system”, their numbers grow daily.

            Consider also that many of us with a solid Christian ethic and a patriotic spirit are a dying breed. When we are gone, who will be left to teach our youth (to shamelessly steal the phrase) truth, justice and the American way? Let’s face fact; time ain’t on our side.

            Let’s face another fact; United we stand, divided we’re screwed. If we do in fact have the numbers, in terms of God and Country like-mindedness, we are severely divided by lack of trust between each race and even between the sexes. The left has worked, and very well succeeded, in driving those wedges to create the “house divided”.

            The only way for the right to win a fight against the left, whether that fight be of minds and words, or one of bullets and blood, we will have to toss aside those wedges and build bridges of trust in order to establish ranks of allies.

            I truly believe our freedoms are at stake and freedom is not only worth fighting for… it’s worth dying for.

    • Nemesis says:

      Rather than join MikeH’s thread and dwindle off into a too confined space to write in, I have chosen to join this ‘conversation’ by directly replying to you Pascal.

      What you guys seem to miss in all this is the impact that your president is having on ALL thinking people. Not only is he awakening great swathes of your fellow citizens around America, he is also awakening great numbers of folk around the world – witness his foreign and domestic achievements thus far.

      In a once rigidly controlled world, they are stand outs, so I don’t believe I need spell them out for you.

      What is also needed to be taken on board is the fact that ‘contemporary’ society has been subjected to a brainwashing the likes of which this world has never witnessed before – via nearly all media and ALL of our institutions, including government – even the mind controlled subjugation of the Russian State to Communism pales into insignificance compared to what has been done to the West. It takes very knowledgeable, strong willed and thinking individuals to realize the process of mental subjugation affecting them just to be able to break through the propaganda and outright lies.

      And that thought process has to occur within the individual before any kind of rally for fight back can take place.

      Trump is doing God’s work for which I have absolutely no doubt, and for one to realize this, one need only dwell for some minutes in just where this whole world was headed prior to Trump’s election victory – which by the way – was far more of a landslide win than what it is currently accepted. If God had another plan to destroy this world I believe Trump would not have become president. Trump’s words have awakened many, his rallies have united many and his agenda is gradually destroying the evil that has controlled this world for thousands of years.

      We should all accept that many will never awaken as they are just too far gone and should best be left to their own destruction, but we must also give others who have yet to awaken the chance to realize just how controlled they have become, and this can only be achieved by exposing them to the TRUTH which is being borne out through Trump’s actions and that many are still awakening to.

      Trump has achieved much in only three years. Imagine what will be achieved come his re-election 2020.

  2. That’s quite the indictment.
    I think you accurately listed the charges.
    The verdict should be assured.
    We just need to get it to the jury.
    The electorate.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:


    I would add Pettiness to your list. The left consistently has to find the smallest imperfection in a good person and try to destroy them. Tweets from decades ago or from teenaged enjoyment of politically incorrect jokes must be dredged up to blight a person’s character or tarnish a wonderful act of charity. In virtually every case, scrutiny of the self righteous accuser reveals worse behavior in their past.

  4. powderburns says:

    There were once pagans. Pagans lives were dominated by tribes and rule by tyrant, with the occasional human sacrifice chucked in. Slavery was a standard condition. Then came the Christian era. What a shock, a criminal can be a king? This religion infused every aspect of our lives for 2000 years. As it departs, the pagan beliefs come rushing back, as well as Islam and socialism, champing at the heels of the new pagans. We cannot build a city of man. We will end up slaves again.

    • Nemesis says:

      I don’t believe that Christianity is ‘departing’ from Western Civilization but is being driven out – and that is a huge difference.

      The Christian faith became hijacked by Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea in 325AD – Christianity then became a Vatican control system and as such, was bound to fail – but the words of Jesus will prevail to those who still keep their Bibles.

      After this current Pope is done, and I believe he will be driven out for the evil he now promotes, Catholicism will need to be reformed, or be extinguished for a more orthodox version of Christianity as is currently on the rise in Russia – even Putin has become a Christian.

      So, I see great achievements ahead for the Russian Orthodox church – one of a few Christian based belief systems that still practises what the early Christians put into practice and that will herald a new age for Christianity as it was always meant to be.

      • powderburns says:

        The church is definitely under attack. As from day one. The Christian god on earth was nailed to a piece of wood and left to die slowly in the sun! The church started after an attack by the Pharisee’s and the assault continues.

        Jesuits have been corrupted again. Should just suppress them again.

        I went to a Russian Orthodox wedding once. Very interesting. Familiar. Circular church. Standing only. Lots of incense and singing. -40 outside.

        The church seems strong amongst the modern chaos. Avoid a Lutheran reformation, and just have a couple of good fashioned burnings amongst the papacy. All good.

  5. Jack says:

    Degenerate is the correct term.

    • Pascal says:

      Quite true Jack. Degeneracy is what we are witnessing. Still it takes a special kind of degenerate to seek to seduce all down that same path. Like so many true-believing cults, and cults is what Darin noted that they lead.

      De-civilizing the first world back to barbarism is the goal, and De-progressing is the process that was once clandestine and now boldly out in the open. It’s now out in the open because they both feel the need to brag while believing that nothing can stop the momentum they’ve built up. Since they don’t believe that prayers will help us their victims — they say it every day — they have no sense at all how their hubris is the most significant feature of their degenerate state.

  6. Steve says:

    Very well stated. This case against evil was made nearly 2000 years ago by St. Paul the Apostle in his letter to the Romans. Like a skilled prosecutor making his case to a jury, Paul brought to light the basic evil that indwells all human kind. Too bad his God inspired words are read by so few as we watch western civilization rot. In St, Paul’s words, “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
    All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.
    Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips.
    Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

  7. Victor says:

    all these reasons and more is why I went Hard Right.

  8. Lara says:

    Tweet button? Great post! On the money!!

  9. Centurion_Cornelius says:

    This is my first-time here. You have all made a CONVERT!

    Not that I needed much “converting.” The “Visiting Team” has accomplished that!

    A 75 y/o White Christian Male of Eastern European heritage (Poland), half-man, half-alligator, and impervious to pain. Mike Fink reborn! On my third set of capped front teeth from arguing with my fists and not oratory.

    This article says it all. Add nothing more.

    • Pascal says:

      Welcome. When you see news items or info at sites you visit the rest of us may have missed, feel free to add them to our latest open house thread.

  10. Pascal says:

    This was published in 2008. Today’s Baal Worshipers

    Since then what Prolife suspected based upon what was mostly evidential has come out into the open (though suppressed and deflected by corporate media) and proven to be much worse.
    It’s not simply abortion, but dismembering while alive.
    It’s not merely “choice” of the mother but pressure by those who make a huge profit selling body parts.
    It’s not simply dismembering of the live unborn, but also of the “accidentally” born.

    The misanthropy of those you’ve indicted cannot be denied any longer. These hideous De-progressives need to be stopped.

    • Nemesis says:

      Any biologist, unless hopelessly corrupt of course, will confirm that life begins upon conception. The term fetus is being used as a means to denigrate and devalue every individuals right to be born into this world as a means to protect the source of nourishment for the evil in this world through human sacrifice.

      Which is what abortion on demand truly is. Sacrificial murder and the capitalizing of human body parts for ‘rites’ that some will find difficult to believe in this day and age.

      Thou Shall Not Kill is written in stone, and until the lawmakers finally apply the protection of the law for every conceived individual the murder of the innocent will continue.