Biden,the Point of No Return

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3 Responses to Biden,the Point of No Return

  1. mawm says:

    Sowell has a way of saying things that is so simple and yet so clear. I liked his comments on American elections. They are unique although the newer voters in NZ are swayed by meaningless phrases and empty but soaring promises as well.

  2. Pb says:

    American ideology has infected the world like a virus, and it is missing a key component. John Adams, as an American founding father, thought the constitution would only function in the hands of a moral and religious people. If you abandon natural law you will be ruled by rich tyrants. At the moment the corporate tyrants seem intent on instituting international Bolshevism again. We must return to morality.

    The propaganda units have a choke hold on standard NZ media. Too many leaders are weak, and have no morality beyond fake polls. From the outside it just seems so ridiculous and self defeating.

  3. Dan says:

    I respectfully disagree with Mr. Sowell. America passed the point of no return when it blindly and ignorantly elected the SCOAMF Obama. A mulTto with ZERO real world achievements, who almost certainly was not legally eligible for office, a person who sold what little soul he had for the opportunity to be a puppet in front of the cameras. Trump winning in 2016 was a fluke, a speed bump in America’s road to self inflicted destruction. And now we have Bumbling Biden and Horizontal Harris in office….two more puppets for the commie crime cabal who are really running things.