No Words Needed

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Who would have thought?

That allowing uncivilized,uneducated,illegal migrants into to one’s country would cause any problems? :roll:

Yahoo via the AP-

But as usual we get a tiny bit of truth,buried in a steaming pile of BS- Continue reading

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You want equal pay?

Then how about some equal work?

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Happy New Year 2018!

Wishing all of you a happy,healthy and prosperous new year!

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Open House

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:shock:  What a sick joke.
New Zealand’s New Years Honours list.

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White Left

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The New Zealand Herald is a disgrace.


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The ERA has become a racket, no less.

Like so many recently, this decision appears to have more to do with social work than an employment dispute.
‘Sacking from $155K IT job cripples Auckland immigrant family
A man went from earning $155,000 as an IT analyst to living in his car and working as an Uber Eats driver after he was sacked under the 90-day-trial rule.
Ahmed Alkazaz, 31, lost his lucrative position in New Zealand days before his wedding in Egypt, which he’d poured his savings into – and had to spend his honeymoon applying for jobs.
The Employment Relations Authority ruled he was unjustifiably sacked and has awarded him $35,500 in lost wages, compensation and part of the financial penalty imposed on his former employer, Enterprise IT.

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Merry Christmas!

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