Open House

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Britain’s Hate Speech Police

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Absolute Miscarriage of Justice

Illegal alien Garcia Zarate found not guilty  in murder of Kate Steinle-

Jury Finds Garcia Zarate Not Guilty In Steinle Murder Trial

“Steinle was walking with her father and a family friend in July 2015 when she was shot, collapsing into her father’s arms. Garcia Zarate had been released from the San Francisco jail about three months before the shooting, despite a request by federal immigration authorities to detain him for deportation.”

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Janet Albrechtsen, Australia:

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Arse Hole of the Week

No year end shortage,all models in stock!

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Diogenes would buy her a beer.

By Dr Muriel Newman
Our Prime Minister should stop meddling in Australian affairs. An offer has been made and that’s where it should lie. And the media should provide balanced reporting, not try to exert influence through PR campaigns masquerading as news.

Biased media reporting is also a concern of this week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, Barry Brill, a former Cabinet Minister and the Chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, who has raised concerns about the recent escalation of global warming propaganda by the media…’

Honest, refreshing and accurate. No wonder Muriel isn’t in Parliament.

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Open House

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Bearing needs a little help-

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Lowlife Scum

Ten Congressional Democrats want lenient treatment for young terrorists who murder Israelis-

Fox news-

Palestinian terrorist leaders often use teenagers to commit acts of terror because they know the Israeli legal system treats children more leniently than adults. Now 10 Democrats belonging to the Congressional Progressive Caucus are trying to give terrorist leaders yet another reason for using young people to murder even more innocent civilians.

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Is today really April 1st?

“Frying food could be altering the weather”

Any excuse for a research grant eh?

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