Wikileaks strikes again with first of several massive CIA document dumps-


“‘Year Zero’ introduces the scope and direction of the CIA’s global covert hacking program, its malware arsenal and dozens of “zero day” weaponized exploits against a wide range of U.S. and European company products, include Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones,” the organisation said in a release.”


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Mexico Upset Returning Illegals are Speaking English

The Irony is thick in this one-

More here-


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Open House

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Told you so…..

“Police took part in Rotherham sex abuse case and ignored pleas from victims”

The filthy mess-

No we can all watch as absolutely nothing is done about it :evil:

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The Deep State War on Trump

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Shameless slimeball

‘Obama ‘ready to return’ to politics
Barack Obama said he was prepared to intervene if his successor threatened America’s core values…’
This, from the undocumented acolyte of communists and terrorists, the racist demagogue, who’s done more to attack America’s core values than any President in history!
The creep should just slide back into whatever cesspit it crawled out of.

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EU Bureaucrats: The Living Embodiment of Evil

EU votes to strip Marine Le Pen of Parliamentary immunity-

Breitbart has it-

From the link-“As anti-mass migration Front National leader Marine Le Pen continues to climb in the polls against her rivals, the European Union (EU) is pushing for her lose her parliamentary immunity. The request to remove her immunity revolved around several tweets made by Ms. Le Pen in 2015 in which she posted pictures of Islamic State violence, Reuters reports.”

All she did was reveal the truth,unfortunately those telling the lie are the ones most afraid of the truth.It’s time to erect a guillotine in Brussels,that by far is the best way to deal with Brussels bureaucrats,pull the trigger,drop the blade and stack the basket deep -D.

Hat tip to Pascal for the link


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There is a new Woodpile Report up

And as usual it’s quality stuff-


And I do apologize for laying down on the job and forgetting to link to it for the last little while 

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How traitors and fools are disarming Australia

‘By promoting diversity over fighting ability the Army is alienating its warriors
THE “diversity” revolution that Lieutenant General David Morrison inflicted on the Australian Army now threatens to diminish our war fighting capability…
“The typical Defence hero is a hero in uniform from an Anglo-Australian background who performs acts of bravery in battle and models the values of courage and sacrifice… This type of hero is unnecessarily exclusive and works against the desire for Defence ‘to represent the community it serves’,” writes education academic Dr Elizabeth Thomson in her 2014 report: “Battling with words”.
“Casual conversation in Defence is dominated by the kind of talk characteristic of the Aussie bloke… “Humour, banter, practical jokes and nicknaming are language practices (which) marginalise and exclude people (and must be) controlled”
If all this sounds frighteningly Orwellian, you ain’t seen nothing yet….’
Continue reading

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A Story the Media doesn’t want told

Why the MSM is ignoring Trump’s Sex Trafficking Busts-

Townhall Has it here-

“The good news is that we have a president who genuinely does care about children and he’s vowed to make solving the human trafficking epidemic a priority. The recent pedophile arrests are just the tip of the iceberg and, whether Tapper and his ilk in the MSM like it or not, this story will eventually get so big that they will be forced to cover this horrific epidemic that has plagued our country for too damn long.”

As long as the lying,rat bastard media controls,contorts and denies the truth evil such as this will flourish,they truly are the enemy of the people :evil:

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