Eff off!

The Brits have gone nuts.
‘Council ‘diet police’ should inspect the lunches of private sector workers, report urges..’
All in the interests of “improving health”, of course. This is what socialized medicine brings–unlimited opportunities for State control.

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15 Responses to Eff off!

  1. Yokel says:

    Let me be the first to crack the old gag about not letting them anywhere near my lunchbox!

  2. Yokel says:

    The serious response is that the (politically correct) cultural marxists have made “Weightism” an offence against their “correct speak”. So the individual cannot be told he is a “fat git” and should do something about it. Instead everyone must be treated as guilty of bad eating until proven otherwise. Now wait until the inspecting agencies start a regime of “cost recovery” for this “service” to private employers!

  3. Darin says:

    Where lawyers and politicians are concerned one hand always washes the other.

    But staunch resistance is what’s needed here,that’s why I will wash my donuts down with a beer while enjoying a good smoke :grin:

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: Quite. I’m eating cream shortbread biscuits (cookies) washed down with a beer and we’ll pop outside shortly for another relaxing smoke.

      • Darin says:

        Had Chocolate Rasberry cream filled dounts,New Castle Brown beer and a few good drags on a $20 hand rolled cigar.

        Only way to have topped that would be making a 20y/o blonde chick sweaty after :mrgreen:

  4. KG says:

    30c and rain tomorrow. Cool! Lots of cane toads and mosquitos around though–not so cool.

  5. oswald bastable says:

    Cane Toads and mossie vs dickless gits in high-vis vests. No choice, really…

  6. Seneca III says:

    This new lot will be joining what I call the Parasite List: ‘Five a Day Co-ordinators’, ‘Dogs for the Devient Enablers’, ‘Illegal Smoking Inspectors’, ‘Diversity Co-ordinators’, ‘Human Rights Officers’, Climate Change Managers’ etc., etc., all with their heads in the public trough that is filled only by virtue of the fact that if I don’t pay my exorbitant national and local taxes they will bang me up, confiscate my property and take away my children.

    Pissed off? Moi? Incan-bloody-descent, more like. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    • KG says:

      The one consolation Seneca is that if Europe goes broke and collapses, they’ll be out of a “job”. Maybe among the last ones to lose their jobs, but it’ll happen.