Maori will now control the whole coastline

Muriel Newman of NZCPR:
‘We said, “A new right in the bill, mana tuku iho, divides up the entire coast and gives control of it to iwi. They can close off beaches through wahi tapu – and they can’t be challenged. They also must be ‘consulted’ on coastal, conservation and resource management matters. And this is before they even lodge a claim.”
It is now happening. We know of at least one local authority that has introduced a new concept into their proposed district plan as a result of the foreshore and seabed legislation – an overlay running round the edge of the coast which declares all the land immediately adjoining the water’s edge as “An Area of Significance to Maori”. The overlay goes back as far as the depth of the average residential lot and means that no one on those lots can do anything without consulting with Maori. It appeared totally out of the blue and is scandalous for a host of reasons – not the least being that no one affected knew anything about it!..’

That’s what happens when you vote for a duplicitous gang of assholes who see separatism as a small price to pay for power. And that’s what happens when you can’t be bothered getting off your lazy arses and tearing yourself away from Shortland Street and Coronation bloody Street in order to get at least a minimal insight into the poison that has been drip-fed you by a lying media. That’s what happens when you are stupid enough to trust a smooth suited bag of smiling vacuity whose only ambition is to gain power and hold on to it.  Nice one, Nats voters.

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6 Responses to Maori will now control the whole coastline

  1. Redbaiter says:

    Yeah, Honest John Key and his Nats hard at work looking after the interests of separatists.

    Under cover of darkness.


    • KG says:

      Yep, scum. And you know what? We, the people, are to blame for this crap. By persisting in voting even though all the evidence points to the utter futility of it.
      I’m rapidly gaining more respect for the petrol-bombing anarchists in Greece than for the average “respectable” voter who dutifully lines up at the polling booth in order to demonstrate that he’s willing to be made a fool of, yet again.

  2. WAKE UP says:

    My entire life, grom my days as a kid paddling in the shallows, makes “the land immediately adjoining the water’s edge” and “area of special interest” to me.

  3. Kris K says:

    Exactly how much evidence do National voters need before they realise that Key is a TRAITOR of the first order?!

    I said this yesterday [over on Trueblue], and this just proves it yet again:

    Until the righteous refuse to compromise with the unrighteous; until those of the light refuse to compromise with those of the dark … then those unrighteous and evil ones will continue to hold the upper hand in our society. And lets be clear, some of the most evil individuals in this nation are those who currently fill the halls of power