NZ Herald: ‘Vicious’ attack on five-year-old girl
…The parents (visitors to NZ for Christmas. kg) had left their sleeping children in a caravan about 10.40pm yesterday while they went to an amenity block just metres away. As the mother returned she found the caravan door locked and a saw a man inside, police said.
She ran to get her husband and when they got back the door was open, the intruder gone and their daughter lying critically injured on a bed.
She suffered serious injuries, mainly to her head and face, and had undergone surgery at Waikato Hospital…’
UPDATE: A quick circuit of the NZ blogs shows only the estimable Oswald Bastable expressing outrage about this. Why?
UPDATE 2: ‘Girl’s attack not gang-related – police
….Reports from neighbours suggest Mongrel Mob gang members were out in force at the time of the Wednesday night attack on the girl…
…..However, police denied any gang involvement, though there were reports of them partying nearby…’
So–the police have no idea as yet who did this, but they’re able to categorically rule out a group with a history of violence and drug use, from a section of society which has the worst child-abuse record in the world? How?
What are the chances the attacker is another native?
In Turangi? Very high. If it were a few hours’ drive north in Hamilton, it could also have been a member of the Religion of Peace out of Somalia.
I’m sorry, but when human excrement are prepared to do this to a five year old child the ONLY solution is to put them down like the mongrel dogs they are.
And if I was nearby with a firearm I’d be more than happy to render my services in that respect. Words fail.
I figure it would take me at least 9 rounds even then I couldn’t garrantee a clean kill, bastard might suffer for a while before he’s done.But you get what you pay for right?
Why the hell did she run back to get her husband? If I was her I would have screamed the whole place down, which would have brought people running to assist. I think there is more to this story than what we have been told.
That’s a bit unkind, Mike, I think that was a natural reaction, if correctly reported. But I’ll allow that, given the apalling incompetence of our dumbed-down media, that there may well be more to this story.
” I think that was a natural reaction,”
(..if not the best one)
I think leaving two kids that age alone in a caravan at night was at best stupid. The term “reckless endangerment” springs to mind….
have to take issue there KG, she went to talk to her husband who was at the amenities block using his laptop. The effluent that walks is the only thing responsible for this disgusting crime. Raping a kid is more evil than foistering socialism on the masses (socialists are raping the minds and dreams of the populace, so it could be argued is worse in the greater sphere of things). I so hope the scumbag manages to walk in front of a fast moving projectile, and loses a few hundred grams of essential tissue
*shrug* all I know, Mort is there is no way on earth I’d leave two kids that age alone–in a strange country–at that hour. No bloody way. And both parents were at the amenities block, for at least half an hour if the first reports are accurate.
In Europe we are portrayed as a clean and green liberal paradise.
Elfs and goblins and rainbows all dancing with unicorns. The amount of young blonde female backpackers who go rural in NZ Think this way.
Its very sad indeed. I bet this guy is a first nations person without doubt, a scumbag who should be destroyed!!
Hey Spidy – good to see you again.
And I mirror your sentiments.
Don’t blame the mother. You were not there. Tactically she did the right thing by getting help.
If the children had not been left alone she wouldn’t have needed to get help.
Great commercial idea to encourage “certain” tourists.
I bet you anything that when this piece of crap is found he will be of the “protected” class and the parents will be charged instead.
I listened to some woman on RNZ last night interviewing the police Inspector about this appalling outrage.
Every question under the sun ,including,would you believe,are they going to continue their holiday?FFS!
The question that was either not asked or not broadcast was,Do you have a description of this animal so that the good folks listening can be of some assistance.
I don’t believe in UFO conspiracies ,but I do believe that the bastards at RNZ don’t like publicising the fact that alot of members of certain ethnicities are over represented in the statistics for these types of outrages. Notwithstanding a certain case before the courts in which one of their own got whacked(allegedly)………but no doubt that’s Capt Cooks fault as that type of thing didn’t happen pre European!
“..but I do believe that the bastards at RNZ don’t like publicising the fact..”
Heh! You’ve got my place bugged–I was saying exactly that to my better half this morning.
Can’t let facts derail the multiculti delusion, can we?
“The effluent that walks is the only thing responsible for this disgusting crime.”
For the crime, yes.
For leaving the kids alone at night, in an unlocked caravan..the parents.
I will NEVER be too numbed to shrug off such news with, ‘oh-again’.
Having worked with the evil that commit such crimes, I’m always vigilant…
1) “Girl’s attack not gang-related – police”
that’s not what the paper says this morning
2) re leaving the children “alone” – in the the days when my folks were able to take us kids to a family motor camp in complete safety and confidence, the primary feeling was that you never alone, the whole camp was one big happy family, living together toemporarily.
Times have changed, but I’ll bet the English couple were suckered in by our “clean green, peaceful” tourist bullshit.
Re your 2) Wakey, I had exactly the same experience when I was a little fella in the 70’s. Night time was the kids in their beds/camp stretchers and the adults making merry at a different tent each night.
There was no danger, because you were never really ‘alone’.
I see they’ve changed the ‘attack not gang related’ line.
…so many theories. Perhaps another one; mum has beaten the kid for wetting the bed; then made up the “bogie man” story in an effort to deflect attention elsewhere?
Bruce, is the S short for simpleton? Are you one of the cohort Anon commenter over at PMofNZ’s site used for his observational studies towards his Sociology diploma?
Here’s a theory for you: An individual with a drug addled mind, fed daily on video violence and pornography, facilitated by welfarism and the resultant degradation of social norms such as 2 parent families, discipline, respect for others, functional productive lives etc, high on whatever, steals into a caravan and rapes a 5year old girl resulting in the girl requiring 4 hours of reconstructive surgery.
which is more likely Bruce S?
Thanks Mort. Saved me the trouble.