..And then the music stopped. This was the silent scene where we came in at the beginning of the screening: the churches closing at the rate of two a week; the factories closing even faster. What Lennon failed to grasp was that any society that had nothing it would sacrifice for would find nothing worth investing in. And so here we are, dragging on the end of our smokes, tipping over any bottles that still might contain some wine. Because the vineyards are barren and will stay that way. The ultimate problem with “living for today” is that tomorrow eventually comes.’
The determination of Western politicians to force mass immigration from muslim countries is an attempt to stave off the inevitable reckoning. A reckoning caused by years of socialism and burgeoning parasitic government, declining birthrates and the loss of any sense of history and continuity on the part of the people.
And why should they have any sense of history, after decades of being taught to devalue and even revile their own culture and origins, their stories of heroic deeds and enormous sacrifices?
After decades of handing their children over to State indoctrinators (indoctrinators the postwar generations made possible and put in place) who–in the absence of parental influence and balance–have been free to destroy traditional values which stand in the way of the Almighty State. All that’s left is a malleable, hedonistic empty shell. Savage often, full of self-regard always, indifferent to the future and conditioned to regard the government as the source of both authority and largesse, the products of the State have little interest in building a future. They live in a world of evanescent fads and instant gratification and the work necessary to build a future is simply beyond them. Not just the work–if it were just that, it might be a fixable problem.
What they lack is the imagination necessary to both preserve what’s worth preserving of the old and to build a better society.
So Europe will slide into a kind of decayed, semi-chaotic irrelevance until the new masters replace it with their new order.
The order from the harsh, unforgiving deserts of Arabia.
There’ll be skirmishes along the way, wild uprisings and riots and a lot of killing. But the tide will flow remorselessly East to West and Europe will be overwhelmed by the barbarians. Her heart has been eaten by the cancers of ease and socialism, of hedonism and materialism.
(or perhaps, this Wabbit is simply a pessimist and another beer will help dull the pain. )
This has happened before in Western Europe.
In its previous manifestation it traced an arc from circa 350AD to 450 AD. Taxation, civic collapse, nihilism rampant, bureaucracy, religious conflict, declining rural and urban populations and overwhelming external barbarian incursions. All midwives to the Dark Ages.
Welcome to the second age of iron and rust.
Only with a Free America the People of Europe can fight back. That means you have to throw Obama and Co out off office.
Overturn Obama’s Hitler Law
I haven’t the slightest doubt that all the flexing of muscle (“Arab spring” indeed –gimme a break) is because of the weakness of Obama and America.
“Riots and killing……”
You only have to look at the footage of the Oxford St murder in London. It has arrived thanks to the usual suspects.And they also had the “retail riots” only a few months ago.
Enoch was right. Every sensible person knows that. It is practically a crime now to say that aloud. Yet Australia can’t get it’s shit together to prevent a new wave of illegal immigration.
Take a look at this, Kowtow–our masters are feeding us on bullshit and trying to keep us in the dark:
‘IMAGES of asylum seekers arriving to our shores by boat may be banned.
The restrictions were announced after the Immigration Department successfully lobbied the Australian Communications and Media Authority to “protect the privacy of these vulnerable clients”.
Under the new privacy guidelines, a person’s identity would be protected even if they are in a public place…’
Your identity and mine won’t be protected in a public place, but an illegal immigrant’s will!
This is all about “managing” the news.
(and what the fuck business does one government department have, lobbying another government department in order to restrict the flow of information to the taxpaying citizens of this country?)
The encouraging thing about that is of the 26 comments to the story,everyone of them was opposed.
I am very discouraged by the march of totalitarianism in our bureaucracies and in our elected officials.
Is it any wonder the west is dying just look at their women.
But these look great, don’t they ?
I wrote the above (in italics) in a hurry late last night, after a few beers and reading it again this morning, I can’t see that I’d have put it much differently.
Any hope Europe has resides in the Eastern European countries, those which have tasted the Soviet jackboot and recognise totalitarianism for what it is. Strong, bloody-minded people who managed to hold on to their culture in the teeth of the monster.
Well said, KG.
A society with nothing to live or die for will inevitably go the way of Europe. And in the post-Christian West, where the socialist state is worshipped as God, it is no surprise that people ONLY: live for today; embrace hedonistic [sexual and otherwise] lifestyles; either don’t get married and just go from one relationship to another, or if they do often choose to have no kids … and certainly pay no mind to nor make provision for tomorrow – finacially, birthrate wise, or in any other respect.
Also from your link [emphasis mine] – and this is the bare faced crux of the issue, IMO:
And as you said, KG – “Any hope Europe has resides in the Eastern European countries, those which have tasted the Soviet jackboot and recognise totalitarianism for what it is.” – which I agree with. It is no suprise that many from these countries not only saw through Communism/Marxism, but ALSO saw through the foundation of totalitarianism; that being atheistic darwinism.
Related to this is the fact, as the article hints at, that post-totalitarian Eastern Europe is “rediscovering” Christianity:
There’s a message in there somewhere …
Thanks Kris–it was just one of those things that kinda popped out, ready-formed so I can’t claim any great effort for it.
The line about churches springing up in Eastern Europe jumped out at me too–there’s a ray of hope, at least. And I have enormous respect for those people…the idea of them meekly accepting dhimmitude is laughable. It’ll be an interesting historical quirk if Russia comes to their aid against muslims from the south by supplying guns and so forth, and effectively forms a voluntary East European Union.
There are prophecies about that KG, about how Holy Russia will return and re-Evangelize the West.
First heard it when I was about 17 from a crazy old man – I thought he was nuts at the time.
I’ve heard it from others since and it now seems more and more plausible as time goes by
Yeah, those crazy old men…….
Nice intro over at your place, Andrei, using the Sabine women to make the point.
And when the time for the debt the scumbag pollies owe to the Society they’ve ruined comes to be called in, I trust their symbiotic friends in the media are lined up with them and they’re all forced to ingest a fry up of their surgically removed – with a blunt and rusty kitchen knife – genitals before being terminated in the most horror filled and painful way.
I suppose I might be accused of being a sadist but I would contend even this method of dispatch completely fails to compensate for the hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of INNOCENT lives they’ve caused to be forfeited – and I’ve not mentioned abortion yet – in not dissimilar circumstances, have blighted and ruined with their deliberately self-serving and self advancing policies.
K’s, Lordships, favoured positions in government or as lobbyists? Line up over there for the pricelist. $20K gets you a dinner with the PM, $50K a K and minimum of $500K gets you into the Lords with all the slavering media queuing up and breathlessly hanging on your every word for their dumb and semi-literate readers to flick past anyway to catch up with the latest on the Kardashians.
Why hasn’t even one journalist got the nous to front a politician, better yet the chief a*sehole himself the PM, and ask: “Look c*nty, look at the f*cking mess you’ve made and continue too make and you still swear that black is white and we’re headed for the sun dappled uplands if we can only hang on in their; yet you f*cking know, and every f*cker in the country knows, that you and your f*cking rich and favoured mates are filling your boots at the expense of the people of this Country as it slowly tanks and sinks beneath the waves”
Brilliant rant!
Too bloody right.