‘..The officers – a man and a woman – arrived at the rural Glen Afton property about 1.30am and were set upon by four people, understood to all be relatives. A woman ripped clumps of hair from the scalp of the policewoman, who also suffered a blow to the head.
Two attackers were pepper sprayed and police trained a taser on one of them as a warning…’ source
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and yelled “please, please please stop beating my partner, or I’ll be forced to ask really nicely!”
Fucking shame. If a taser is the best defence you have, you don’t wave it about. You point it at the big bit and pull the trigger.
Pepper spray? PEPPER SPRAY??? I guess the coppers should consider themselves lucky they aren’t issued with a standard snub-nose .38. They’d probably hand it over to the bad guy during the negotiations to stop the partner’s beating.
I know if I had been one of the cops I would have tazered all four of the whanau … sorry, family and then applied liberal doses of pepper spray for good measure, and bugger the consequences from PC management and liberal hand-wringers.
And don’t forget the Minto Bar for when they resisted arrest. And ALL of the, would have resisted arrest.
Off-topic, but if you saw this headline, what mental pic of the perps would you have?
‘North Miami Police Arrest Third Man in Rape of Pregnant Woman’
And you’d be right.
Yeah, no surprises whatsoever.
And not just rape but “[McNair is charged with] two counts of sexual assault with a deadly weapon causing serious injury …”
Isn’t too hard to guess what this piece of [black] human excrement did and with what. IMO the death penalty is the ONLY option for such a low-life animal as this.
The proper response to an attack on your partner is to draw your weapon and fire.
In a civilised country, correct. In the Banana Republic of New Zealand violent criminals are protected by cops. (Well, o.k. that’s not entirely fair- the judiciary must like police to stay busy).
Twenty years ago cops used to give bastards like that a good tune-up. They knew it, everybody did. No longer. Society is the worse for it.
Except of course Katie, the coppers in peaceful, pacifist NZ are not routinely armed. If trouble ensues in the course of duties, they can return to the station and sign out one of the firearms available there, or they can call for an armed officer to attend at the scene.
Not that trouble would ever ensue in the course of a copper’s duties in peaceful, pacifist NZ.
That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
Hi KG,
I haven’t commented here for a while. Yes, the NZ justice system is a sad joke. Broken beyond repair I would say. Check this out:
Read this piece if you can stomach it. It’s unbelievable to a rational person. This child murderer is to be released even thought the parole board themselves say he is a medium to high risk of sexual reoffending, and a medium risk of other offending. I’ve written to the Minister of Justice and her deputy but don’t hold out much hope of a response. Lee.
“Roma was released on December 14, with conditions including he never consume alcohol or illicit drugs for the rest of his life, and that he observe a 10pm to 6am curfew.”
These are the same people, no doubt’ who think money is printed at the bottom of the garden by little goblins.
Side-note: beside the news that defies common sense about that cultural ambassador, is a photo of a white woman weeping. The story is about a mental maori torturing her child.
What’s the go re Roma? Is it that preventative detention didn’t exist as a factor when he was sentenced?
G’day, Lee–good to see you. Have a great 2012.
Thanks for the link.
I wonder if the bastards would be so keen to release him if they had to have him living next door? Or if they could be personally sued for the consequences of their decisions?
Funny you should say that – I said the same thing in my email to the justice ministers. I’ve copied my exact sentence below:
“I often wonder if parole board members would have a different criteria for release if any re-offending by parolees was committed against their own person, property or families.”
You bet they would. But the question will just be ignored, of course.
This is one reason I support the death penalty,it has a sort of permanence about it.
Totally OT.
I wondered why BNI wasn’t about this morning.
Dimmytude in full swing!
Via Theo Spark.
Thanks Wrat. I’ll post on it. The bastards are winning, aren’t they? And it’s because we’re too fucking apathetic and disorganised to use their own weapons against them.
Two words…nuke Mekka.
I’m serious. Leaflet the place first, give them 24 hours to evacuate the place then turn it into a glass parking lot.
The same approach certainly worked with the Japs.
When your enemy won’t stop warring against you, and/or seeking global domination, and surrender isn’t part of their vocabulary, what other option is available?!
Re Roma: “expressed remorse” is a phrase that should never be taken seriously.