‘SYDNEY is under siege from gangs of heavily armed robbers terrorising shopkeepers, pub staff and residents.
Meat cleavers, machetes, sawn-off shotguns and axes are among the weapons used in recent weeks as thugs smashed their way into so-called “soft targets” – mostly service stations, bottle shops and licensed premises – demanding cash, wallets, jewellery and mobile phones…’
Nowhere in the article does it mention the ethnicity of the majority of the gangs. And the police are at pains to play down the problem–just as they would be if it was gangs of Scottish Presbyterians, of course…
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Haha Its the diversity dividend in action lol. I guess they are middle eastern and sudanese…
And Somali, yes.
Its actually scary because the scum of the earth motocycle gangs are full of these groups these days.
Oh happy new year KG
My gift for you is below
agggggggggghh – Steve Maharey, still sliming ! Octagon, you’ve just ruined my day.
Now I need to wash my eyes out with bleach, you bastard!
And a happy new year to you too, mate.
having a beer here, at 0630, just to get warmed up…
24c, the parrots are going nuts and a fishing trip may be on the cards later. Depends on the beer situation….
“Beer situation”?Don’t you own one of these yet?
Darin, I think KG’s version looks a little more like this:
Ahhh…the truth behind the Mango picking job,it was an in to make off with a Forklift
Yeah, except their scientific name is “beer-lift”
I was thinking more along the lines of one of these:
It’s not true guys, the last semi load of beer lasted him a whole two weeks!
what went wrong ?
On a more serious note and back to the lead article:
Which leads one to ask what exactly has changed in the region to bring about this recent increase in this sort of crime? Have native-born Australians just suddenly lost the plot? Or is this more a case of foreign and anti-Western ‘interlopers’ who have imported their 7th century barbaric and backward culture with them – and now that they are becoming of significant numbers are dropping the veil and acting true to type?!
Nah, couldn’t be – it’s obviously those damned “Scottish Presbyterians” just trying to get attention again …
About those Craigslist ads-
“Marine robbed,shot,plugs bullet holes with fingers”
Care to guess what ethnicity his attackers were?
Yup,you guessed it-
It may be the newspaper not publishing all the information rather than the police. Not volunteering or anything, but it might be worth tracking down the actual police report that has been released.