George Washington writes a letter to President Obama

‘…Under the sanction of what right, divine or human, do you and those of your faction undertake to transform a free people into a herd of lowing cattle? By what law, constitutional or legislative, do you and your like-minded philosophes propose to turn a great nation into a vast ward for the feeble-witted, or a prison for three hundred millions of debtors? You join with hordes of warlike Musselmen to beset our Hebrew brethren with chimerical demands, your Department of Justice – Justice, sirrah! – has taken pride of place amongst the criminal caste, and everywhere your rapacious clerks and petit judges harass honest citizens with encroachments on their liberties from which even His Late Majesty, George the Third, would have recoiled in disgust….’
Go read the whole beautiful thing! (Thanks to Gantt for pointing us to it)

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7 Responses to George Washington writes a letter to President Obama

  1. Darin says:

    “Choice of Sword or Pistol”-two bit curtain hanger Obama wouldn’t make a stain on G.W.s boot heel.

    What Obama doesn’t realise,or maybe he does is that America is unique as being the only country in the world IIRC that began with a top down revolution .It was rich WEMs that started this show and it will be an ILA that ends it if he gets his way.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I like the first comment on that post too, Darin: either option would make the One soil his shorts!

  2. Pascal says:

    Good eye Gantt and KG. Doug Ross awarded this “Blog post of the year,” undoubtedly at the last minute.

    You may find some great humor mixed in there with the honors at Presenting The 2011 Fabulous 50 Blog Awards.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      That’s where I found it, Pascal. Trevor Loudon got two awards – one for his role on the Watcher’s Council and the other for the best anti-communist blog.

  3. Paco says:

    Thanks for the link!