What is this, if not slavery?

‘..Employees will have to work 208 days next year until they have paid their share of government spending and regulation, according to a campaign group..’

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8 Responses to What is this, if not slavery?

  1. oswald bastable says:

    Out of 240 working days, figured at 48 weeks x five working days- yep- only 32 days to go to match the socialist dream!

  2. MacDoctor says:

    No, KG. In Ancient Egypt, Pharoah only took 20% of the earnings of his slaves. We are all therefore lower than slaves to all politicians who wish to tax us more than this. I conclude that they consider voters to be some sort of carpet…

  3. Pingback: What is this, if not slavery? | Cranky Old Crow

  4. K2 says:

    Stop exaggerating! The only people who will have to work that long are the ones with jobs.

    The rest are completely free do take money on the dole, get free health care, food and shelter and kick back.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    On a slightly related note, I was struggling to sleep last night (bloody heat is killing me) … anyway I was surfing YouTube, as you do, and I came across this series from 1979 where Milton Friedman is giving uber-Liberal Phil Donohue a lesson in market economics. Friedman was amazing for his ability to put economic theory into language anyone can understand. The really astonishing thing is the big-government problem he described 35 years ago are exactly those we struggle under today (only much, much worse)… Makes me wonder where is our Friedman/Reagan combo today? Instead, we get B. Hussein Osama and bloody Geithner!


  6. KG says:

    Great clip! And it’s only going to get worse, because nothing short of complete economic meltdown can force change.