Undo the NDAA!

 ‘President Obama just signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law despite startling provisions that will allow the military to indefinitely detain American citizens.  It’s a travesty, defying basic principles of justice and due process in perhaps the most extreme respect our nation has ever seen.’

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24 Responses to Undo the NDAA!

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    He was never *not* gonna sign it, KG … not when it had so much cross-aisle support!

    Ahh McCain, you’ve done it again. :evil:

  2. KG says:

    And if Romney ends up as Prez, does anybody seriously expect him to support the repeal of these laws and regulations?
    This power is as much a gift for the Republicans as it is for the Dems–it’s all government Vs the people.

  3. KG says:

    Maybe America should import Stephen Harper to do what needs doing….. ;-)

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Absolutely. If Willard Romney is the best the Republicans can put up, it may be time for a third alternative!

  4. KG says:

    But who?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Not Uncle Bloody Doofus or The Donald, that’s for damn sure!

      • KG says:

        What a damn shame Allen West isn’t a contender.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          He will be, KG. 2016 will be his time. Assuming the Union lasts until then!

        • Pascal says:

          Uh, West has shown SKUNC tendencies. He buckled to pressure back in August to allow the Bummer to raise the debt limit. I love the way he talked until the day he double-talked around his unwillingness to walk his previous talk. (Who behind the scenes helped him beat his court-martial and why?)

    • Pascal says:

      “The very restriction on free speech the UN Resolution was pushing is exactly what they used against me,” said Lafferty.

      Isn’t this a particularly remarkable use of the Precautionary Principle? Under consideration is a law for limiting thoughts.

      “We really, really want need this law. Voices who favor free speech are not unbiased. Therefore those who wish to speak here must first prove they are not hostile to this law under consideration before they are allowed in the room.”

      Ms. Lafferty’s crime was that she proved she was guilty by her very presence at this event. No big deal really. /s

  5. KG says:

    Yegods! They don’t even bother to hide the real agenda any more. My view is that the time for voting is past and it’s going to have to be a kinetic solution – or serfdom.
    And good to see you, Wrattie. :smile: May you and yours have a happy 2012.

    • WebWrat says:

      Same to you KG.
      Coming over your way on the 2oth … Brisbane, Coffs & home from Syd on the 29th.
      May go Coffs, Girilambone (north of Dubbo) then Syd.

    • Kris K says:

      Thanks Webby,

      Yep, only a moron can’t see the link between the UN Marxist One Worlders and the Islamist agendas. Nor that Conservatives/Christians/Israel are their greatest enemies and will be the first targets of those they wish to silence.

  6. KG says:

    Girilambone ? They make good hamburgers there. We used to drive there from Nyngan for breakfast occasionally. It’s a shame you won’t be coming up this way.

  7. WebWrat says:

    Been trawling thru older posts to see where you are … I’ve forgotten!

    Couldn’t think of anything better than having a few tinnies of 4X, (can’t Aussies spell beer?) and a yarn with you and Ghecko.

    Just a flying visit for a nephews wedding at Coffs and perhaps a look at a job prospect at Girilambone on the way.

    • KG says:

      It’s a waste of time trawling through the older posts, Wrat–by the time you find it we’ll have moved on. :grin:
      We’re in Ayr, 8okm south of Townsville. Perhaps for a fair while, by our standards.
      Of course we can spel bere! But I prefer to just drink the stuff.
      There’s some good gliding country down Dubbo/Narromine way…….

  8. Darin says:

    The smiling Jackass is giving a speech even as I type(or I should say reading from the teleprompter) He’s about to coronate his “consumer watchdog”(Lord help us) supposed to “Protect us from the failings of the financial industry” :roll:

    Just one question SCOAMF SIR, who is going to protect us from you? :evil:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Darin, another interesting question might be: Will President Romney sack all the czars and repeal all of the anti-liberty legislation this Prez and his immediate predecessor passed?

      No? Then he has no business running.

      • Darin says:

        My standing advice to any Republican that should win the presidency is spend the first 30 days cleaning house.

        Czars,Judges,cabinet and committee appointments and especially Eric Von Holder and company.

        I would also be in total support of spending whatever tax money it would take to procecute as many of these scoundrels as possible.

        It also looks after lastnight that Romney may get a run for his money.Bachman dropped out and chances are her supporters will fall inline behind Santorum who essintially tied Romney lastnight.